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Iraq’s Assyrians Protest New Iraq Election Law

        North, Iraq – AINA — Thousands of Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) took to the streets in cities across northern Iraq’s Nineveh plain yesterday to protest what they see as a deliberate manoeuvre by the political majority to shut them out of Iraqi politics. The …

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Christian Minister Slams Iraq’s Provincial Polls Law

        Arbel, Iraq – Voices of Iraq — A Christian minister in Kurdistan’s regional government on Friday lashed out the provincial elections law lately endorsed by the parliament for marginalising his religious denomination. “The version of the law reached by the parliament’s legal committee along with regions and …

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Iraqi Christians Protest At Election Law

        Mosul, Iraq – AFP — Crowds of Iraqi Christians protested on Sunday against a newly approved provincial election law, saying the legislation failed to represent the interests of the minority community. Protestors shouted slogans against Baghdad’s Shiite-led government and against the law in the town of Al-Kosh …

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Syria Hunts for Damascus Bombers

        DAMASCUS – AFP — Counter-terrorist officers in Syria on Sunday hunted for those responsible for a car bomb attack that killed 17 people in Damascus, one of the deadliest attacks in the country in more than a decade. The bombing Saturday near a Shiite shrine in the …

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If You Want to See Blood Come to Mosul

  By John Pontifex    Mosul, Iraq – catholicherald — Fresh-faced and cheerful, the young priest suddenly frowns: “I recently received a letter at the presbytery. Inside was a bullet. I knew at once what it meant,” he says: “I was a marked man.” At just 27 Fr Bassman Fatoohey …

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The Plight of Christians in Iraq

By Jamie Glazov    Baghdad, Iraq – FrontPageMagazine — Frontpage Interview’s guest today is William J. Murray, the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition in Washington, DC. During the early 1980’s, he served as director of Freedom’s Friends, an organization which reached out to the victims of communism worldwide. In …

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Iraq’s Christian Assyrians Defend Their Own Village

By Karim Talbi    TEL ASQUF, Iraq- AFP — With Kalashnikovs slung over their shoulders, members of Iraq’s first Christian militia enforce one simple rule on the border of this little village: “Anyone not from Tel Asquf is banned.” This village in northern Iraq’s flash-point Nineveh province, frequently targeted by …

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