Home / News / Iraq / Zinda: Interview with Yonadam Kanna (20/03/2003)

Zinda: Interview with Yonadam Kanna (20/03/2003)

Mr. Kanna’s strong and confident voice gave us great assurance that the Assyrian leadership is prepared for the uncertainty facing our people in the North and in Baghdad.

Kanna: Greetings to your staff at Zinda Magazine and your readers wherever they may be. We are about to witness the greatest event in our history. This is truly history in the making and we urge our people to share this with us in our homeland.

Zinda: Rabbie Yacu, what can we do in the next few days for our people in the homeland?

Kanna: Tens of thousands of our people are leaving the urban areas and moving into the villages where they feel there will be less threat of war. But this may be a temporary relief and a mass exodus could follow soon. At that time we will need our people’s help, particularly monetary support. Please be prepared to do your duty as Assyrians and offer support if such a need arises.

Zinda: Which groups and organizations do you wish for our people to contact in send donations?

Kanna: Any organization that is willing to help. We have the Assyrian Aid Society and the Babylon Charity, but any organization or NGO willing to help is acceptable. Even if they wish to bring the money themselves, we will find ways to help them enter Iraq.

Zinda: In case there is chaos and bloodshed immediately after the initial attacks, are you prepared to defend our people against aggression?

Kanna: We have Assyrian security forces set up in over 40 major locations, Assyrian villages, and centers. If the security system of the country or local regions collapses, we are prepared to defend our people.

Zinda: Are you armed?

Kanna: Yes, we are equipped to defend ourselves. But do not bear such thoughts, as we foresee no such scenario in the coming days.

Zinda: Are you confident that our neighbors will not repeat the mistakes of the past?

Kanna: We are working very closely with our Arab, Kurdish, and Turkomen neighbors and we will all labor together in rebuilding Iraq. Iraq must become a free and democratic nation and we must all have a part in this reconstruction effort.

Zinda: Can you compare the current situation with the one you experienced in 1991?

Kanna: Today’s situation is 25 times more serious than that of 1991. This is it for our people – a make or break situation. And because of this we expect 25 times more support from all of you in the Diaspora. Do not just sit back and observe. Be prepared to help in the immediate future. We need volunteers to come and help us here. Journalists and photographers are also needed to chronicle the history in the making. Be a part of the most important event in the history of our people.

Zinda: Where do you see the Assyrian people in the future of Iraq?

Kanna: We must and will have our rights honored in the new constitution of Iraq. Nothing is guaranteed to any group, Assyrain or Non-Assyrian, at this time. But Assyrians are recognized as one of the many nationalities that make up the country of Iraq. We, as the other groups, will have our place in the new constitution of Iraq.

Zinda: Should the Assyrians support the United States?

Kanna: The U.S. is a major player in all anti-Saddam efforts. We are working very closely with the U.S. government in Iraq.

Zinda: Will Assyrians actively participate in the reconstruction efforts?

Kanna: We have enlisted several Assyrian specialists to work within each of the 17 committees that will coordinate the post-Saddam reconstruction efforts. These names were handed to the U.S. government and other opposition groups in Salahadin. You already have Dr. Emanuel Kamber and Mr. Albert Yelda’s names as they have already been actively engaged in several meetings.

Zinda: Where will you be when the Azore Summit deadline ends today?

Kanna: I will be back in Iraq at that time. We just ended several days of meetings in Ankara with 7 other opposition groups, at the invitation of the U.S. and Turkey. Only the Iraqi Nationalist Movement could not participate at these meetings and they did apologize for not being able to attend. I have met with Zalmay Khalilzad, Jalal Talabani, Massoud Barazani’s representative, Sharif Ali, Chalabi, and many others in these meetings. We are prepared for what is to come in the next few days and for a new Iraq.

Zinda: You seem very confident that no harm will come to the Assyrians in the aftermath of a U.S./British-led attack?

Kanna: The tension that the media in the west speaks of is not felt here. The feeling is mutual. We all have a place in the future Iraq and will help one another to arrive at that juncture. Yes, we all have been trained to protect ourselves in case of a chemical attack, and keep safe if the security structure breaks up. But we do not expect any such pessimistic circumstances and are preparing to leave for Baghdad to begin a new chapter in our history.

I believe I must leave you now. The CBS crew is here to interview me.

Zinda: On behalf of our staff and our readers in 60 countries around the world, please accept our best wishes for the new Assyrian year. Our prayers are with you and we hope that no harm will come to any Assyrian.

Kanna: Likewise I extend my wishes for a new Assyrian year. These are the greatest days of our history and do not forget that it is your duty to support your brethren in the homeland. We must all come together and build a stronger Assyrian nation.

Prepared by Zinda Magazine
19 March
10 AM PST (California Time)

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