Home / News / Assyrian news / Two questions about the assyrians, to the Swedish Foreign MinisterJan Eliasson (English, Svenska)

Two questions about the assyrians, to the Swedish Foreign MinisterJan Eliasson (English, Svenska)



The speaker of the Turkish parliament Bulent Arinc visited the Swedish parliament on May 9th. He was closely petitioned by Assyrian organizations, his speech at the parliament, full of promises, has drawn Kerstin Lundgren?s (C) attention.

Lundgren asked these questions to the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Eliasson, to make sure that Turkey won?t get away and to see if  Turkey really keeps its promises.

Dikran Ego


Question 2005/06:1695 by Kerstin Lundgren (c) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Eliasson (s)


Swedish EU initiative for an independent ?Turkey commission?


The Swedish parliament was in the beginning of May, to be more exact on May 9th, visited by the Speaker of the Turkish parliament. It was a Welcomed visit by all of us who want to work for a Turkish EU membership, by all of us who see the value in the process that is going on.

In his speech in the parliament and the following question time, the Speaker conveyed that the Turkish government is willing to accept an independent commission under the supervision of the EU, to research about what happened in Turkey during the years of 1914-1915. The commission would consist of independent researchers and lawyers, representatives of the Turkish government and of the Assyrians-Chaldeans-Syriacs. Such a commission would be much appreciated, in order to reach a question that for many, many years has not been possible to talk about ? much less to openly revise.

Against this background I want to ask the following question to the Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Is the minister ready to take an initiative in the EU to bring about a commission of the kind that I have described here? 




May 24th


Question 2005/06:1696 by Kerstin Lundgren (c) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Eliasson (s)

Swedish action towards Turkey


It is important that the parties in Turkey during the years 1914-15 come to the same standpoint about what happened back then and also the following:


-What happened to the cultural heritage such as churches, cathedrals and monasteries?

-What happened with the property that belonged to those who were murdered?

Organizations such as ACSA, Assyrian-Chaldean,Syriac Association, ADO, the Assyrian Democratic Organization, The Assyrian Association

of Sweden, ADR, the Assyrian Democratic Movement and also the churches, all are for the establishment of an independent revision commission.


Today approximately 80 000 Assyrians-Chaldeans-Syriacs lives in Sweden. All these people are affected directly by the issues above. Sweden enjoys great respect from these groups and from the Turkish government.

Against this background I want to ask the following question to the Minister of Foreign Affairs:

Does the minister intend, in his contacts with Turkey, to work for an independent revision commission to be established?


Translated by: Besima Simsek




Turkiska parlamentets talesman Bulent Arinc bes?kte Sveriges Riksdag den 9 maj. Han uppvaktades h?rt av assyriska organisationer, hans tal i riksdagen, fulla av l?ften, har v?ckt uppm?rksamhet hos Kerstin Lundgren (C).

Lundgren st?llde dessa fr?gor till Sveriges utrikesminister Jan Eliasson f?r att Turkiet inte skall kunna komma undan och se om Turkiet h?ller verkligen det man lovar.   


Dikran Ego





den 24 maj
Fr?ga 2005/06:1696 av Kerstin Lundgren (c)
till utrikesminister Jan Eliasson (s)
Svenskt agerande gentemot Turkiet

Det ?r viktigt att parterna i Turkiet ?ren 1914-15 kommer
till samsyn om vad som h?nde d? och ?ven f?ljande:

-Vad h?nde med kulturarvet s?som kyrkor, katedraler och kloster?

-Vad h?nde med den egendom som tillh?rde de som m?rdades?

Organisationer s?som ACSA, Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriac Association,
ADO, Assyriska Demokratiska Organisationen, Assyriska riksf?rbundet, ADR, Assyriska Demokratiska R?relsen samt ?ven kyrkorna ?r f?r inr?ttandet av en oberoende granskande kommission.

Idag bor ca 80 000 assyrier-kald?er-syrianer i Sverige.
Alla dessa m?nniskor p?verkas direkt av de ovanst?ende fr?gorna. Sverige ?tnjuter stor respekt hos dessa grupper samt hos den turkiska staten.

Mot denna bakgrund vill jag st?lla f?ljande fr?ga till utrikesministern:

Avser ministern i sina kontakter med Turkiet verka f?r att en
oberoende granskande kommission tillkommer?




Fr?ga 2005/06:1695 av Kerstin Lundgren (c) till utrikesminister Jan Eliasson (s)

Svenskt EU-initiativ f?r en oberoende “Turkiet-kommission”

Sveriges Riksdag hade i b?rjan av maj, n?rmare
best?mt den 9 maj bes?k av turkiska parlamentets talman. Det var v?lkommet f?r alla oss som vill arbeta f?r att

Turkiet ska bli medlemmar i EU, f?r alla oss som ser v?rdet av den process som nu p?g?r.
I samband med sitt tal i riksdagen och den efterf?ljande
fr?gestunden framf?rde talmannen att den turkiska staten ?r villig att acceptera en oberoende kommission under ?verinseende av EU f?r att forska om vad som h?nde i Turkiet under ?ren 1914 ? 1915. Kommissionen skulle best? av oberoende forskare och jurister, representanter av turkiska staten samt f?r assyrier-kald?er-syrianer.

En s?dan kommission skulle vara klart v?lkommen f?r tt n? fram i en fr?ga som under m?nga, m?nga ?r inte varit m?jlig att tala om ? l?ngt mindre ?ppet granska.

Mot denna bakgrund vill jag st?lla f?ljande
fr?ga till utrikesministern:

?r ministern beredd att ta initiativ i EU f?r att f? till st?nd
en kommission av det slag som jag h?r omtalat?


? EasternStar News Agency

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