Home / News / Iraq / TOWARD NEW IRAQ! (En)


The Campaign acknowledges that the NEW IRAQ starts when Iraqis,
individually , recognize, and set an agreement to their basic civil
rights, the NEW IRAQ starts when Iraqis demand and enforce their
rights as a reference, as a dominant part of the future Iraqi
constitution, and making them binding to all political parties,
institutions, and all decision-making and executive powers of the
Iraqi society and Iraqi state.
People’s Rights, as it always was, and will be, are not a gift to be
given ..it is a civil struggle, and the people are the party who
dictate, enforce, and defend their rights. We Iraqis have the
obligation start to work for our rights to have our Iraq stable,
civilized, and prosperous.
The Civil Campaign for the Basic Rights of Iraqis is meant to raise
Iraqis to demand their basic rights, rather than to wait for a “gift”
from any I government and political parties- authorities of the
future Iraqi state. We are a civilized nation, and we can elaborate
what we find common, possible and untouchable of our individual
rights. If our common individual rights are then satisfied and
respected, the rights of national, religious, civil , political and
cultural groups of our Iraqi society will be satisfied too, and our
Iraq can be a beautiful home for all of us.
From this perspectives, the Campaign for the Basic Rights of Iraqis
(CBRI) officially starts with a proposal document that enlists, in
simple and accessible manner to all Iraqis, the basic rights that we
share as individuals. It has been elaborated by a group of
qualified , sons and daughters of the Iraqi society ( Arabs, Kurds,
Turkmons, Assyrian, Caldeneans, Armenians, Mandaeens), human rights
and cultural societies of Iraqis, people who are unified by their
aspiration for stable civil democratic Iraq as the home for all
The document , the “Basic Rights of Iraqis”, is open for your
individual reading and discussion. We request you to spend time to
evaluate its statements, and to share your vision with your friends
and group. You can send your suggestions to the Campaign for Basic

Rights of Iraqis (CBRI):

If you would like to volunteer with the CBRI , and you are in human
rights, legal, cultural, professional social activist who can
dedicate time and efforts toward this noble mission, please write to
join the campaign at:

To read the basic document, and to individually sign it , please
double click on :
Petition online

Please refer your friend to sign the basic document as it is, as a
support to the campaign and Iraqis Rights. Your signatures will
enable the campaign to present it to an elected panel of well-known
qualified Iraqis expert to elaborate the legal version of the
document, maintaining its spirit, and taking into account the
suggestions we receive from you, to propose it to all Iraqi parties,
societies and organizations for their approval and acceptance.
We request you to write articles and publish your opinion widely on
the newspapers, Internet sites, everywhere where Iraqis can access
your points.
The campaign will keep you updated, and you keep us updated too. We
hope that all Iraqis will soon vote on the document, on the new Iraq
constitution, in a public referendum inside Iraq , soon In Sha’a-
Long Life (Live) to Iraq, and to its Kind Good People.
The Campaign for the Basic Rights of Iraqis (CBRI)

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