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The World’s Richest Man is a Product of the Turkish Genocide of Assyrians



Beirut – ESNA — Carlos Slim Helú has poked Bill Gates from the crown as the richest man in the world. Carlos Slim Helú is Assyrian from Lebanon and belongs to the maronitic church. He was born in Mexico January 28th 1940.

His father, Julián Slim Haddad Aglamaz originally comes from the town Jezzine, approximately forty km southeast of Beirut, Lebanon.

Just before Seyfo, the 1915-1918 Turkish genocide of Assyrians, Greeks and Armenians, Carlos Slim Helú’s father escaped over the Atlantic. His escape away from persecution and genocides ended in Mexico.

Carlos Slim Helú has built his fortune through investments in the telecom industry. Among his companies there are South America’s biggest mobileoperator, América Movil as Mexico’s biggest mobileoperator Telcel and the biggest ground phone company Telmex is included in his empire of companies.

Apart from these he owns several chainstores, banks and cigarette companies.

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