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The Names of the Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriac Candidates

Individuals/ Unabhangige Personen

????? 1. Hikmat Hakim


  1. ?Christian Democratic Party? CDP (Minas Ibrahim)


  1. ?Assyrian Patriotic Party? APP (Nimrod Baito)


  1. ?Chaldean Democratic Union? CDU (Fouad Budagh)


  1. ?Beth Nahrain Patriotic Union HBA/GHB (Giwargis Khoshaba)


  1. ?Assyrian Democratic Movement – ADM (Younadam Kanna)


  1. The Syriac Independent Group (Ishu Majid Hadaya)


  1. Assyrian National Assembly (Audishoa Malko)


  1. The national Asembly (Hana’a Edward George)


  1. The Chaldean democratic Union Party CDP?(Ablahad Afram)


  1. BNDP (Romeo Hakkari)?

  2. Brotherhood Democratic Union (Shmouil Jaju Botan)

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