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The Final Statement of the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian General Conference

Under the auspice of Dr. Ayad Alawi, the recurring President of the Iraqi Governing Council, and under the slogan “Our Unity and Our National Rights in Iraq,” the Chaldean Syriac Assyrian General Conference in Baghdad was held between October 22-24, 2003. Among the participants were Mr. Yonadam Kanna, the representative of our people in the Iraqi Governing Council, representative for Mr. Paul Bremer, Head of Civil Administrator in Iraq, and representatives from various Iraqi organizations. Among the participants were as well representatives from different organizations, religious, civic and cultural institutions representing all aspects of our people from throughout Iraq and delegates from Syria, Lebanon, Iran, and the Diaspora (Europe, United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand).

The conference took place under circumstances when all Iraqi people are looking forward to a new era and dawn after the passage of the previous regime. Iraqis are looking forward to an era where freedom and democracy is accomplished, human dignity is preserved, and Iraq is independent and sovereign. The conference represents a historic and important point; long awaited for by our people, an urgent necessity fulfilled by many merits on the path to secure this people’s identity, continuous national and civic existence on his forefather’s land. This existence extends to thousands of years since Sumer, Akkad, Babylon, and Ashur where the first laws were coded and where rules and regulations were put in place. This nation continued in his offers with his adoption of Christianity and to this very day. For three days, the participants debated the conference’s agenda with its main points. Many valuable studies and researches were presented, which addressed the Iraqi national matter, ethnic matter, and our case.

After thorough deliberations and discussions, the conference instituted certain principles and foundations:

On the Iraqi National Side:

– The conference stressed the unity of Iraq. It called upon the international community and neighboring states to support and help Iraq to secure his security and stability, his independence and national sovereignty. A support needed to take Iraq back to his normal place where he can play his role and build relations based on common interest and mutual respect with all of his neighbors and his return to the international community.

– The conference stressed the establishment of a federal, pluralistic, and democratic system of government. This system shall affirm the principles of governing in peace and the separation of authorities; a system that honors international treaties and agreements, prescribes to human rights, institute the rights of all ethnic and religious groups that the Iraqi people belong to.

On the Ethnic Side:

– The conference stressed the unity of our people, with all the names known by (Chaldean/Syriac/Assyrian) since they are titles for one creator, which we are proud of and is dear to us. This we feel because it proves our historic and civilized depth into ancient times and reflects various historic periods that diversified our peoples’ roots and connection to this land, and still is. And due to the urgent necessity imposed by the fragile situation that our people and case are going through, the conference stressed the importance to agree on one united ethnic name that go hand in hand with our situation in Iraq. Thus, the participant agreed on the title ChaldoAssyrian for our people and on Syriac as the name of our language and culture, to be used in the constitution. The conference stressed that the Iraqi permanent constitution shall be liable to institute the ethnic existence of the ChaldoAssyrians as indigenous people. They are to be equal with the rest of the Iraqi ethnic groups and live with the principles of partnership in this country, which will guarantee his ability to practice his ethnic, political, administrative, and cultural rights and his right to be represented and nominated in the legislative, administrative, and judicial branches of government.

– The conference stressed the necessity to institute an administrative region for our people in the Nineveh plain with the participation of other ethnic and religious groups, where a special law will be established for self administration. Furthermore, insuring administrative, political, cultural rights in towns and villages throughout Iraq where our people are residing in.

– The conference stressed the issuance of legislations that remedy the injustice that has befallen our people and the removal all traces of policies that changed the demographic picture to regions that belonged to our people, relying on the census of 1957 and earlier.

– The conference demanded the acknowledgement for the rights of our people who migrated or were forced into migration to return to Iraq. In this regard, the conference values the decision of the Iraqi Governing Council for issuance of the new citizenship law.

– The conference stresses the role of the ChaldoAssyrian woman through her exercising of her full rights and her participation in all aspects of life. The conference calls upon our people in Iraq and Diaspora to do their part and practice their national and ethnic responsibilities in the rebuilding and the advancement of Iraq. Additionally, the conference calls for the continuation of dialogue with the rest of the organizations and institutions that did not have the chance to attend the conference for whatever reason to stand united in serving our cause. The conference concluded its sessions by establishing a general secretariat, which will follow up and apply the conference’s recommendations and decisions through the committees that were emanated from the conference.

October 24, 2003 A.D. / 6753

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