Home / News / Assyrian news / The embassy-burning state of Syria meets peaceful demonstration with excessive violence

The embassy-burning state of Syria meets peaceful demonstration with excessive violence

The embassy-burning state of Syria meets peaceful demonstration with excessive violence

The Syrian regime, which organized the attacks on and the burnings of the Danish and the Swedish embassies, has attacked the opposition in the country.
Friday the 10th of March 2006 the Syrian opposition organized a peaceful demonstration. The purpose of the demonstration was to demand the change of a law paragraph which has remained from the time of the war back in 1962.
But the peaceful demonstration was met with a rough assault by the authorities. The totalitarian government of
Syria, which was not able to, or did not want to stop the embassy burnings, did not hesitate to attack a peaceful demonstration.
Among the demonstrators there were also Assyrians/Syriacs. The Assyrian
Democratic Organization (ADO) had their representatives Gabi Mushe,
Beshir Saadi and Sleyman Jousef participating in the demonstration march. They also met the same fate and were assaulted by the Syrian government’s security forces.
Stockholm, March 17th, 2006
Dikran Ego



? EasternStar News Agency

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