Home / Press releases / The electoral statement of candidate Dr.Taniosn Ebraham Ayo (Category B)

The electoral statement of candidate Dr.Taniosn Ebraham Ayo (Category B)

Syria for us all

Qamishly-Syria– Syria is the cradle of civilization, alphabet and home for religions . Throughout her long history she has provided a model for integration and interaction of civilizations based on principles of national , cultural , linguistic and religious diversity , historically , embodying the will of openness and communication between the different components of Syrian society and strengthening the values of brotherhood , tolerance , coexistence and national partnership , far from all forms of monopoly and exclusivity . These values have constituted the basis for the national unity and the symbol of the civilized message carried by Syria to the whole world .

Syria is currently witnessing unprecedented tensions , frustrations , extremism and fanaticism as well as a surge in the national and sectarian extremism amongst the Syrian society for different reasons , and this is considered a retrograde step and a departure from the national and cultural enterprise the Syrian people were looking forward to achieve . The continuation of this condition is a warning signal of grave threats to the unity and cohesion of the society unless all the patriotic and democratic forces are aware of this deterioration and make every effort to take the initiative and work on the production of a new concept of the modern state open to the world at large, through the formulation of new foundations for a State , based on democracy , pluralism , human rights and principles of citizenship . A State ruled by law and order and institutions , a state for all its citizens with their various national and religious affiliations under the umbrella of one unified national Syrian identify .

As a matter of fact , the only way out that ensures the unity and safety of our society and country and prepares for the establishment of a genuine national unity that would enable our people to liberate its occupied Golan Heights and stave off the dangers surrounding us , as well as to put the country on the road to a bright future desired by the Syrian people , is by launching a comprehensive national reform project that would cover all political , economic and administrative aspects , given that it is a pressing and consistent societal need that must not be linked to any regional or international circumstances or any external pressure . The political reform is the key to initiating any serious reform able to spare the country the risk of chaos and potential shocks that could lead to instability and disturbance of the civil peace.

The most important step in this reform project begins with draft constitutional amendments based on the values of democracy, secularism and the principle of citizenship and real partnership in the homeland away from all forms of exclusivity and monopoly. Secondly, the recognition of national and religious diversity in the context of national unity and unified national identity of Syria as a permanent home for all its children .

For all that, at the national level, I am going to work to achieve the following objectives :

1 – The constitutional recognition of the Assyrian Chaldean Syriacs , as indigenous people deeply-rooted in the national soil, and ensure their rights alongside the national rights of all components of the Syrian society like Arabs, Kurds, Armenians and others. Moreover, I will do my best to put emphasis on the Syriac language and culture , protect and make it a living national culture . By including Syriac studies in the curriculums of Syrian Institutes and Universities I will revive interest in it . Moreover, I will work with UNESCO to highlight its importance and declared it as a universal human heritage.
2- Bridging diasporas with the motherland and providing the Syrian expatriates with all the necessary facilities in order to consolidate their relations with their motherland and further engage them in the process of development and defense of their national issues.
3- Discontinuation of the Emergency Laws and abrogation of Exceptional Laws and Courts . The release of all political detainees and prisoners of conscience , in addition to closing , once and for all , the file of political detention .
4- Enacting a democratic law for Political Parties taking into consideration the national and political diversity of our society , as well as , an Election Law that would ensure active participation and fair and genuine representation for all the components of the society . A new Law for Press and Media guaranteeing free expression for all .
5- The independence of Judiciary and separation of powers in the public life .

Moreover , I will strive to :

1- Modernize the laws to be in line with the spirit of the age . Application of laws to become the umbrella protecting all citizens without differentiation or discrimination
2- Improve the living standards of the citizens . Reduce unemployment amongst the young people , combat all forms of corruption and waste.
3- Establish productive projects in alHasake governorate and boost up its development and growth at all levels agricultural , industrial, educational and touristic .
4- Upgrade healthcare services in the Governorate and build up healthcare centers of all specializations .
5- Establish a State University in the Governorate involving all the specializations.
6- Protect and give importance to archeological sites and work for the expansion of archaeological excavations.

Candidate Dr. Taniosn Ebraham Ayo (Category B)

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Home / News / Assyrian news / The electoral statement of candidate Dr.Taniosn Ebraham Ayo (Category B)

The electoral statement of candidate Dr.Taniosn Ebraham Ayo (Category B)


Syria for us all


Qamishly-Syria– Syria is the cradle of civilization, alphabet and home for religions . Throughout her long history she has provided a model for integration and interaction of civilizations based on principles of national , cultural , linguistic and religious diversity , historically , embodying the will of openness and communication between the different components of Syrian society and strengthening the values of brotherhood , tolerance , coexistence and national partnership , far from all forms of monopoly and exclusivity . These values have constituted the basis for the national unity and the symbol of the civilized message carried by Syria to the whole world .

Syria is currently witnessing unprecedented tensions , frustrations , extremism and fanaticism as well as a surge in the national and sectarian extremism amongst the Syrian society for different reasons , and this is considered a retrograde step and a departure from the national and cultural enterprise the Syrian people were looking forward to achieve . The continuation of this condition is a warning signal of grave threats to the unity and cohesion of the society unless all the patriotic and democratic forces are aware of this deterioration and make every effort to take the initiative and work on the production of a new concept of the modern state open to the world at large, through the formulation of new foundations for a State , based on democracy , pluralism , human rights and principles of citizenship . A State ruled by law and order and institutions , a state for all its citizens with their various national and religious affiliations under the umbrella of one unified national Syrian identify .

As a matter of fact , the only way out that ensures the unity and safety of our society and country and prepares for the establishment of a genuine national unity that would enable our people to liberate its occupied Golan Heights and stave off the dangers surrounding us , as well as to put the country on the road to a bright future desired by the Syrian people , is by launching a comprehensive national reform project that would cover all political , economic and administrative aspects , given that it is a pressing and consistent societal need that must not be linked to any regional or international circumstances or any external pressure . The political reform is the key to initiating any serious reform able to spare the country the risk of chaos and potential shocks that could lead to instability and disturbance of the civil peace.

The most important step in this reform project begins with draft constitutional amendments based on the values of democracy, secularism and the principle of citizenship and real partnership in the homeland away from all forms of exclusivity and monopoly. Secondly, the recognition of national and religious diversity in the context of national unity and unified national identity of Syria as a permanent home for all its children .

For all that, at the national level, I am going to work to achieve the following objectives :

1 – The constitutional recognition of the Assyrian Chaldean Syriacs , as indigenous people deeply-rooted in the national soil, and ensure their rights alongside the national rights of all components of the Syrian society like Arabs, Kurds, Armenians and others. Moreover, I will do my best to put emphasis on the Syriac language and culture , protect and make it a living national culture . By including Syriac studies in the curriculums of Syrian Institutes and Universities I will revive interest in it . Moreover, I will work with UNESCO to highlight its importance and declared it as a universal human heritage.
2- Bridging diasporas with the motherland and providing the Syrian expatriates with all the necessary facilities in order to consolidate their relations with their motherland and further engage them in the process of development and defense of their national issues.
3- Discontinuation of the Emergency Laws and abrogation of Exceptional Laws and Courts . The release of all political detainees and prisoners of conscience , in addition to closing , once and for all , the file of political detention .
4- Enacting a democratic law for Political Parties taking into consideration the national and political diversity of our society , as well as , an Election Law that would ensure active participation and fair and genuine representation for all the components of the society . A new Law for Press and Media guaranteeing free expression for all .
5- The independence of Judiciary and separation of powers in the public life .

Moreover , I will strive to :

1- Modernize the laws to be in line with the spirit of the age . Application of laws to become the umbrella protecting all citizens without differentiation or discrimination
2- Improve the living standards of the citizens . Reduce unemployment amongst the young people , combat all forms of corruption and waste.
3- Establish productive projects in alHasake governorate and boost up its development and growth at all levels agricultural , industrial, educational and touristic .
4- Upgrade healthcare services in the Governorate and build up healthcare centers of all specializations .
5- Establish a State University in the Governorate involving all the specializations.
6- Protect and give importance to archeological sites and work for the expansion of archaeological excavations.

Candidate Dr. Taniosn Ebraham Ayo (Category B)

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