Home / News / Assyrian news / The Assyrian Democratic Organization condemns the Syrian regime’s attacks on Daraa Governorate

The Assyrian Democratic Organization condemns the Syrian regime’s attacks on Daraa Governorate


At a time when the country is experiencing an unprecedented crisis economic, services, and humanitarians; and at a time when the Syrians are looking toward making more efforts to resolve those crises that burden them and threaten their existence; when the regime is expected to be assuming its moral and humanitarian responsibilities towards its people; for being the main and major player in the devastation and destruction of the country, but on the contrary, the Syrian regime, through its military and security apparatus, is attacking civilians, children, women, and elderly people in Daraa governorate by trying to impose its will by force to subdue them. The regime’s policy in displacing considerable numbers of the governorate’s residents who signed the settlement agreements, earlier, and sponsored by the Russian Federation has been forced to immigrate despite their will.
The Assyrian Democratic Organization condemn in the strongest terms the brutal campaign waged by the regime and its allied militia on Daraa city and the eastern and western countryside of Daraa, with the tacit agreement of Russia. We call on the Russian state to pressure the regime to stop all hostilities and engage in negotiation according to the UN solution represented by resolution 2254, including all its articles and assumes its full obligations, in which the regime has not adhered to any of them so far.
Assyrian Democratic Organization
Executive Committee

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