Home / News / Assyrian news / The Assyrian Democratic Organization Condemns the Assassination of Mashaal Tammo in Qamishli, Syria

The Assyrian Democratic Organization Condemns the Assassination of Mashaal Tammo in Qamishli, Syria

Brothers in the Kurdish Future Movement in Syria:

The assassination of Mr. Mashaal Tammo, the Spokesman of the Kurdish Future Movement in Syria, on October 7, 2011, was a painful shock to us in the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO). We have known him for decades as an activist and a national and political opposition member, who believed that the solution to the Kurdish issue can only be assured in the framework of a democratic pluralistic civil government built on truth, justice and equality between all the components of the Syrian society Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians, and others. A state whose citizens enjoy freedom, dignity and full rights. A state based on a new society, without all forms of exclusion.

We, in the Assyrian Democratic Organization, while we express our grief and pain for the departure of Mr. Mashaal Tammo, we offer our deepest condolences to his family, relatives, our brothers in the Kurdish Future Movement in Syria and supporters, and the Kurdish people. His departure is not a Kurdish loss only, but also a Syrian national loss. We are confident that this heinous crime will not deter the Kurdish and Syrian people, in moving forward to build the future Syria with a pluralistic democratic civil state for all Syrians.

Glory and eternity for the Martyr Mashaal Tammo, and all the Martyrs of Syria.

Assyrian Democratic Organization

Political Bureau


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