Home / News / Iraq / Statement of the Society for Threatened Peoples International on the Iraqi Elections

Statement of the Society for Threatened Peoples International on the Iraqi Elections

The Society for Threatened Peoples International:

  • welcomes the considerable success of the Iraqi elections as a first step towards the establishment of a democractic, pluralist, federal, and multi-ethnic system in a country dominated by a dictatorship since the beginning of the British colonial rule and which experienced the genocide of the Kurds and the Assyro-Chaldeans in Northern Iraq, of the Shi’ites, and the oppression and persecution of people from every religion and ethnic communities.

  • announces that the important participation of the population implies a clear disavowal of the fundamentalist islamist terrorists and of the Iraqi Baath Party.

  • establishes that the international society no longer has an argument not to participate in the reconstruction of the economy, society, and state of the new Irak.

  • utters its disappointment over the fact that various breakdowns and attacks prevented several thousands of voters – in particular Assyro- Chaldeans, Kurdish-speaking Yesidens, Turkomen, Muslim Kurds, and Shabaks in the province of Nineveh – from voting.

  • designates as the new parliament’s chief task agreeing on an Iraqi constitution whose dispositions should be processed and approved by representants of all ethnic and religious minorities, especially Assyro-Chaldeans, Yezidens, Shabaks, Mandeas, and Turkomen. Only thus can further discrimination of these minorities be avoided.

  • considers it an accomplishment that, after its success both in the Iraqi state-wide and in Kurdistan state elections, the Kurdistani alliance, which also includes Assyro-Chaldeans, Yesidens, Turkomen, and Arab-Sunni groups, will undertake everything to establish a federal system in the country.

  • supports the demands of those Kurds who were dispelled by Saddam Hussein, of Assyro-Chaldeans, of Turkomen, and of the Yesidens from the regions that were controlled and ethnically cleaned by Saddam until the beginning of 2003, namely Sindja, the plain of Ninive, the city and province of Kikuk after Kanakuin and Mandali.   

  • commends the demands of the Assyro-Chaldean community concerning the return of their members in the once Christian villages of the autonomous region Kurdistan, which became occupied by Kurds after the flight of their Christian inhabitants in 1991.

  • condemns how Turkey for a second time after the occupying the Republic of Cyprus in breaking international law and after practising ethnic cleansing in the North of this island in the Mediterranean Sea threatens a neighboring state, thereby abusing the Turkomen minority in northern Iraq as well as threatening the Kurdish majority in northern Iraq/Iraqi Kurdistan with a military intervention.   

Results of the elections

List Name/ List Number/ Number of Votes/ Seats Won

The Islamic Labor Movement in Iraq/ 111/ 43,205/ 2

The Kurdistan Alliance/ 130/ 2175551/ 75

The United Iraqi Alliance/ 169/ 4075295/ 140

The Turkomen Iraqi Front/ 175/ 93,480/ 3

National Rafidain List/ 204/ 36,255/ 1

Iraqis (President AlYawer)/ 255/ 150,680/ 5

The National Democratic Alliance/ 258/ 36,795/ 1

The Islamic Kurdish Gathering/ 283/ 60,592/ 2

The Iraqi List (PM Allawi)/ 285/ 1168943/ 40

The Reconciliation and Liberation Entity/ 311/ 30,796/ 1

People Unity (Communist Party)/ 324/ 69,920/ 2

National Independent Elites and Cadres Party/ 352/ 69,938/ 3

Who are the Christian members of the assembly?

We have 6 AssyroChaldean Christians in the elected assembly, as follows:

Mrs. Wijdan Michael Salim, independent, through the list of Mr. Allawi (List Nr. 285)

Mrs. Jacklin Qawsan Zomaya, Assyrian Patriotic Party, through the list of Kurdistani Coalition (List Nr. 130)

Mr. Dr. Goriel Isho Khamis, Kurdistani Communist Party, through the list of Kurdistani Coalition (List Nr. 130)

Mr. Yonadam Yousif Kanna, Assyrian Democratic Movement, through the list of Al Rafidain National (List Nr. 204)

Mr. Ablahad Afram Sawa, Chaldean Democratic Union, through the list of Kurdistani Coalition (List Nr. 130)

Mr. Salim Petros Elias, Chaldean Cultural Society – AinKawa – Erbil, through the list of Kurdistani Coalition (List Nr. 130) 

Christian representation in other Iraqi elections and councils who were elected at the same day of 30 January and the results were announced yesterday:

First: Kurdistan National Assembly (Regional Kurdistan Parliament):

Mrs. Bayzar Malko Rohan

Mrs. Kalawez Shaba

Mr. Romeo Hakkari

Mr. Jamal Shimon Elia

Mr. Andrews Youkhana Gewargis

Second: Dohuk Governorate Council:

Mrs. Shamiram Mesho Ziro

Mrs. Gewargis Shlimon Khaye (current deputy governor of Dohuk and it is

almost sure for him to keep his post)

Third: Tamim (Kirkuk) governorate Council:

Mrs. Silvana Boya Nasir

Fourth: Erbil Governorate Council:

Mrs. Sana’a Jacob Qulo

Fifth: Nineveh Governorate Council:

Mr. Chivara Zaya Youkhana

How the seats are calculated?

The same procedure and rules apply in all the assemblies and councils. HereI choose the Iraqi National Assembly as the example to explain the procedure:

Basing on the IECI No. 17 regulations titled: ‘Seat Allocation’

1- The total number of valid votes (8,456,266) is divided by 275 to givethe natural quota of 30,750.

2- Any list which has less votes than the natural quota is excluded. All those that have as many votes of more than the initial quota are filtered out.

3- A new total votes is calculated based on the total number of votes cast to the filtered out lists (8,011,450).

4- A seat quota is then calculated by dividing the new total by 275, which is 29,132.55.

5- The number of votes a filtered party received is divided by the seat quota to give the total number of seats. Remainders are dealt with by giving an extra seat to each list in order of highest remainder until all 275 seats are allocated.

Name of the list / Nr. of the list / Votes / Final number of the Seats in the council

Kirkuk Brotherhhod List / 367 / 237303 / 26

Iraqi Turkmen Front / 175 / 73791 / 8

Iraqi Republic Gathering / 299 / 43635 / 5

Islamic and Turkmen Coalition / 178 / 12678 / 1

Iraqi National Gathering / 289 / 12329 / 1


Kirkuk Brotherhood List is the coalition list of Kurdish parties (including KDP and PUK) and Assyrian Patriotic Party (APP) and other Turkmen parties and Arab personalities Both Iraqi republic gathering and Iraq National Gathering are Arabs

The assyrian member will be Mrs. Silvana Boya from APP who gained the membership of the council through APP coalition in Kirkuk Brotherhood List.

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