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Special Meeting called by His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV (15/05/2003)


1. In his continued effort to promote trust, collaboration and unity among the Assyrian and all Syriac-speaking People, His Holiness Mar Dinkha IV, Catholicos-Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East, on Monday, May 12, 2003, called a meeting of Assyrians from the Chicago area and from elsewhere composed of twenty (20) individuals from various religious, political and civic organizations. The meeting started at 7:00 PM.

2. The meeting began by an invocation by His Holiness who later on spoke briefly about the necessity of this meeting and the issues raised in its agenda. The Agenda included three points:

(i) the current political situation in Iraq, in particular the situation of the Assyrians;

(ii) the relations between Assyrians and Chaldeans;

(iii) the relations between the various Assyrian political parties. Here is a summary of discussion on each one:

i. The participants declared that the current political situation in Iraq obligates all Iraqis, including Assyrians, to do their best to help Iraq restore its proper place among the civilized nations of the world and prosperous countries in the Middle East. Assyrians, however, must also do their best to have the new Iraqi constitution recognize Assyrian national identity and ethnicity and protect their other rights guaranteeing their cultural, administrative and legal rights.

ii. The terms “Assyrian”, “Chaldean”, ” Syriac”, and “Aramean ” refer to one national ethnic group. The future and fate of this ethnicity is greater than the self-interest of an individual or a group. The various ethnic terms must not be used to divide the oneness of our people. The participants remain committed towards working with Chaldeans, in particular, those who seek unity with Assyrians despite all obstacles presented by a few individuals.

iii. The Assyrians people today again face difficult issues in a tumultuous time. It is imperative that all Assyrian political groups work with diligence and professionalism so that further political or sectarian division does not hamper the hard-earned gains achieved thus far. The Participants look forward to continue this kind of meetings to further coordinate and ultimately organize a strong political leadership for the Assyrians.

iv. The Christian Churches in Iraq – – the promoters of fraternal relations and tolerant coexistence between all Iraqis – like all Iraqis also face challenging times ahead. The participants, therefore, call upon the heads of all the Christian Churches in Iraq (including the Assyrian Church of the East, the Ancient Church of the East, the Chaldean Catholic Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church, the Syriac Catholic Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Maklkite Catholic Church, the Coptic Orthodox Church and the Protestant Churches) to rally for the sake of having the new Iraqi constitution recognize and protect their religious rights guaranteeing their freedom of worship and their administrative, legal, educational and cultural rights.

3. For the conclusion of this meeting, the assembled representatives declared that the work of this group is not finished and there would definitively be a further need in the future for them to gather again under the auspices of His Holiness to discuss future issues and programs for the benefit of all Assyrians and their institutions.

4. At the end of the meeting all the participants thanked His Holiness for this historic initiative and pledged full cooperation for the sake of unity between all the various folds of the Assyrian Nation. The Participants also thanked Saint Mary’s Parish for hosting this meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 PM.

5. The following individuals were present at this meeting:

Head of Assembly:

— His Holiness Mar Dinkha, IV, Catholicos-Patriarch (Assyrian Church of the East) Religious Participants: (Alphabetically)
— Rev. Alfred Abraham (Assyrian Evangelical Church)
— His Grace Bishop Mar Emanuel Eliya (Church of the East)
— Archdeacon Awikam Pithyou (Ancient Church of the East)
— His Grace Bishop Mar Bawai Soro (Assyrian Church of the East)

Political Participants: (Alphabetically)

— Dr. Sargon Dadisho (Assyrian National Congress & Assyrian Committee of Eight—Iraqi Opposition)
— Mr. Fraidon Darmoo (Assyrian Committee of Eight—Iraqi Opposition)
— Mr. Romel Elia (Assyrian Democratic Movement)
— Mr. Eshaya Esho (Assyrian National Organization)
— Mr. Younan Homme (Assyrian Democratic Party)
— Mr. Pnoel Hormiz (Bet Nahrain Democratic Party)
— Dr. Emanoel Kambar (Assyrian Committee of Eight—Iraqi Opposition) (Excused)
— Mr. Shimun Khamo (Bet Nahrain National Alliance)
— Mr. Abgar Maloul (Assyrian Democratic Organization)
— Dr. Ron Michael (Assyrian American League)
— Mr. Moshe Moshe (Assyrian Liberation Movement)
— Senator John Nimrod (Assyrian Universal Alliance)
— Mr. Kaldo Shmoel (Assyrian Patriotic Party)

Civic Participants: (Alphabetically)

— Mr. Robert DeKelaita, Esq. (Legal Counsel)
— Mr. Atour Golani (Assyrian American National Federation)
— Mr. Shiba Mando (Assyrian National Council of Illinois)

Report prepared by Bishop Mar Bawai Soro

15 May 2003


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