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San Diego Rally to Call Attention to Iraq’s Persecuted Christians



San Diego- AINA — The Chaldean Committee for the Human Rights of the Christians of Iraq will hold a rally on Friday June 15 in San Diego, to call attention to the continuing persecution of Iraq’s Christian community. It is estimated that up to 50% of Iraq’s Christians have left the country since 2003, because of murder and violence at the hands of Muslims (AINA report).

Here is the press release:
The Chaldeans and their supportive friends will hold a peaceful rally on Friday, June 15, 2007, in front of the federal building at 880 Front St., San Diego between 12 noon – 2:00pm to bring to the world’s attention the continuous oppression, inhumane and brutal treatment of Iraqi Christians. The Iraqi Christians are a daily target for kidnapping, bombing, assassination and other acts of violence because of their religion.

His Holiness Pope Benedict the XVI, in his meeting and discussion with President Bush, highlighted and expressed his deepest concern about the worsening situation of the Christians in Iraq. Indeed, Christianity is persecuted under the watchful eyes of the Iraqi government and the world.

Bishop Sarhad Jammo of St. Peter Diocese for the Chaldeans and Assyrians, in his cry for the rights of his people stated: “I fully support this rally in order to protest the inhumane and oppressive actions against the Christians in Iraq. I appeal to the U.S. government and the human conscience of the civilized world to do what it takes to save the Christians of Iraq, and to protect their full constitutional rights.

The Christians of Iraq are the descendants of the great builders of human civilization, whose roots go back to the early days of Mesopotamia, and they are entitled to their equal constitutional rights in their ancestral land, the New Iraq.

Chaldean Committee for the Human Rights of the Christians of Iraq

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