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Press Release for General Meeting of our parties, took place in Holland

Its from our responsibility on national and patriotism, and what imposed upon us in this delicate and difficult minute that we are passing into, and with our consciousness on general hectic situations and its dangerous period that our people live at, and what it is required from uniting our efforts and gathering them to face the current events and fellow as well as positive cooperation , especially those that deals in building Iraq, that is based on democratic, and mosaic political and ethnic, with principal on respect to human rights, and legal judgment, and severance of security and its stability, and out of ignorance, weakness, and disrespect, so all can enjoy existence of various ethics and religious with complete legal legislature rights, and its freedom in worship, and expression on its entity, in united Iraq democratic federal, and with such starting and calls from Assyrian Universal Alliance, in spite our people celebration with all dearly names in our hearts with Akido celebration, took place in city of Hunklo, Holland, meetings for various political organizations, from April 1 and 2nd, 2006.

The talk that were spoken about, concern the general situations in Iraq and especially escalation of terrorism and the delay that is taken place in forming the new government, as well as the gathering spoke on various elements dealing with cooperation on work time table that being suggested, in an atmosphere full of understanding and open friendly talk in transparency and in frankly talk so for agreeing in united our people in past, present and future, and to work in shadow of the brotherly spirit, that serve our national case.

It was confirmed that the Iraqi constitution is at a current stage deprived our people from many various subjects such as being not included by the role it played in civilization and tragedies that happened upon our people, and the shortage in reality between rights that been put forward and application in applying some legislative Islamic that touches side of rights for non Islamic in the nation.

The gathering studied important matter, regard applying constitutional elements that deals with administrative rights for our people and in conjunction to establish region for autonomy administrative in regions where existence of our historical, geographical by what the election law guarantee right for representative in legislative council, and in ration comparative to its size and its deep historic.

Also, the gathering confirmed the necessity in establishing national co-operated council for the need to represent our people, dealing with taken care of our request on our rights in all regions where our historical and geographical existed, and for that, the agreement in study legality for implementing such in upcoming meeting.
The Assyrian Universal Alliance issued a call for gathering to most people?s organizations, and those whom did not respond are the Assyrian Democratic Movement (Zowa), and unitd party of Chaldean Democratic, and the absent from the gathering was the Shuraya Party.
The gathering confirmed that the means in reaching out to those whom did not join to come and join in next future upcoming meetings.
The gathering spoke in sadness about the terrorism operations that hitting the Iraqi citizens by whatever their faith might be, as well as the gathering spoke in sadness the attempts that is taken place to apply religious stigma on regions so to force migration and to change mapping of inhabitant in that regions, on our people.
The gathering requested the necessity of speedy in forming a united national government that represent all Iraqi people mosaic. The gathering confirmed on an independent decision and means and refusal all attempts in imposing pressure upon our people?s institutions.
Also agreed to put forward further effort to rebuild our towns that were destroyed and to encourage our people to come back to their historical homeland.
Also, they agreed for extra effort put forward democratic and peaceful changes in Syria, that include our national rights and authenticate on our people (of being the indigenous people), within national change by non religious domination.
The gathering forward thanks and appreciation to Assyrian Universal Alliance for the initiation and invitation for the general meeting.

Chaldean Democratic Forum
Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO)
Assyrian National Party (ANP)
Assyrian National Organization (ANO)
Assyrian National Congress (ANC)
Assyrian?Liberation?Party (GFA)
Bet-Nahrain Democratic Party (BNDP)
European Syriac Union (ESU)
United National Bet-Nahrian
Syriac Independent Movement Assembly
ChaldoAshur Organization

April 2nd, 2006

*Translated from arabic by Simon Malek e-mail: maleksimon@yahoo.ca



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