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opening 50 years jubilee ADO in the Netherlands


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Holland- ADO– The Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO), Europe branch, celebrated its 50th Anniversary, on Friday, April 20.

The event “Cultural Night” was held at the Yoldath Alloho Syriac Orthodox Church of St Mary in the city of Hengelo. The event began with Assyrian folk songs and speeches that were presented by Assyrian poets. The event was presented by the chairman of ADO – Europe, Mr Sabri Alkan, who was introduced by the event organiser Mr George Saffo.

Speeches and reading of poetry was presented by various Assyrian personalities which included Said Lahdo, George Farag, Michel Zaytoun, Habib Gouriye. The theme of the evening (cultural night ) introduced history of the ADO since 1957 until present day and elaborated on the future plans of this venerable organisation.

The event was attended by over 300 people, who came from various parts of Europe and the United States of America and the entertainment was provided by St Ephrem Choir of the Assyrian Mesopotamian Association of Enschede ( AMVE) lead by maestro Elias Musake. Singers included the celebrated Ninib A. Lahdo from Sweden, Nagham Edward Mousa and the 13 year old sensation Ninortha Chabo.

The Syriac Orthodox church was represented by the very Rev. Abuna Khouri Gabriel Kaya ( originally from the village Hah , Tur Abdin) and Rev. Barsoumo Dogan of the Mor Yuhanon Syriac Orthodox Church of Hengelo.

A congratulatory message of H.E. Mor Polycarpus Augin Aydin, the Patriarchal Vicar of the Syriac Orthodox church for the Netherlands was read along the many letters that were received from various political and cultural Assyrian and non Assyrian organisations world wide.


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