Home / News / Assyrian news / Ontario Assyrians to Protest Exclusion of 150,000 minority voters from Iraq Elections

Ontario Assyrians to Protest Exclusion of 150,000 minority voters from Iraq Elections

04 February 2005

Toronto, Ontario (CARD) — Assyrians from Ontario will be holding a public march and protest on Saturday February 5, 2005. The demonstration and march is being held in support of various Iraqi minorities who were deliberately withheld from voting on the day of Iraq?s elections. The march will start from Toronto?s city hall buildings at 12:30 PM and will arrive at the U.S. Consulate building located at 360 University Avenue. The demonstration at the U.S. Consulate will be held from 1:00 ? 3:00 PM.

?This demonstration is in direct response to the IECI?s apathy towards the situation? says Ashour Rehana of the Council for Assyrian Research and Development (CARD). ?150,000 voters were deliberately withheld by the Kurdistan Democratic Party from voting on the day of Iraq?s elections? says Shamiran Mako of CARD, ?how is this reflective of democracy?? Ninorta Nissan, a CARD analyst feels that ?it is essential for the Canada?s Assyrian community to make their plight known to the Canadian public and the international arena?.

CARD hopes this demonstration will encourage the US and the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) to take the necessary steps to amend the situation for Iraq?s 150,000 disenfranchised ChaldoAssyrian, Yezidi, and Shabak voters. 300 protestors are estimated to show up for this event.

About CARD

The Council for Assyrian Research and Development (CARD) was founded in May 2003 and is currently based in Toronto, Canada. As a Canadian-based think-tank and non-profit organization, CARD strives to promote greater understanding of Assyrian issues in Canada while encouraging the involvement of the Assyrian community.

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