The other part of the citizenry-the farmers and related rural-based business concerns–slowly but surely, is receding proportionately, and adding to an already keenly developed field of service-oriented employment.
This cadre of citizens that dwelt in the fertile–and not so fertile valleys, where they sweated out their life-long years to cultivate and to raise domestic animals, ever since the beginnings of the civilizations, is losing the ground to the city-dwellers. This happens all over the world, and in all the cities of the world.
Civilization is based on the organization of society that renders service to one another, and the higher civilization the more minute tends to be the division of labor and the more complex the organization.

There is also a third element of citizens, although minute in proportionality, however, most effective and adequate in exerting near-total influence over the citizens, in general, and the societies, in particular.
And, thus, the economic factor becomes the mainstream idealism of the masses.

Economic Factor:
It is this economic factor therefore, that breeds the throngs of people seeking unanimity of mind, which in turn, evolves into an irrevocably most powerful of weapons, that no engineer, physicist or a scientist can even visualize to fashion. One must envisage the vast problem as businessmen dealing with realities of growth and opportunity, and not merely as lawyers defining rights and remedies. Masses seek self-realizations, not self-denials.

Rule and Control:
The political arena of the citizens that embark on it with full zeal and fervor has been nascent ever since its birth in ancient Greece.

The founders of politics and politicians, not anticipating the end results, professed an idealism of liberty and freedom aimed against the tyrants that oppressed their citizens and non-citizens with the highest degree of intolerance.

Hence, the procreators of democracy and its ideals, who were highly cultivated group of people, and stood at the helm of all the tools of civilization–education, arts, entertainment, philosophy, science, astronomy, mathematics and other humanities-were enmeshed, with preservation and redemption of both, their ego and their prescient observations, as to the imminent dangers of inner and physical confinement.

The genesis of democracy went through as many colors and shapes as the years that went by, ever since its inception around 600 B.C. through the present. It is still in its developing stages, and shall continue to be so in perpetuity.

This is why we ought to consider democracy as an imperfect tool, and reiterating Mr. W. Churchill’s words, it is the worst system of government, but there is none better.

Yet, democracy is not just an element to reckon presciently with the realities of space and time, and not be content merely to lay down on paper good principles of conduct. There is a difference between vera causa and causa casans–academic learning and the realization which impels to action.

To institute democracy it is not enough just to be democratic. The democrat thinks in principles, be they–according to his idiosyncrasy–ideals, prejudices, or economic laws. Democracy is not a characteristic charm bestowed upon the citizens as an insignia of freedom. Democracy must–at all times–remain as effervescent as ever. Not a single step to detrimental nature of freedom and liberty, and not a slightest excision of those same liberties in a democracy, and democratic process, can be tolerated.

Democracy must persevere in all phases, all ailments of a State, and with all the echelons of society.

A democrat is not an organizer. The thought of the organizer is essentially strategic, whereas that of the true democrat is ethical. The organizer is thinking how to use men; but the democrat must think of the rights of men. Thus, the conflicting paths between the organizer and a democrat shall continue to ensue, with never-ending results.

The Jeffersonian motto of “all men are created equal”, means exactly as it is quoted. It might indeed, portray the former intellectual President of the United States that he meant what he had said, however, in his terminology, the word ‘men’ meant others than the enslaved and the conquered. Democracy ought not to be a mere jargon or a henchman in infallibilities.

Democracy ought to possess, as well as being possessed by character.
Democracy is to accommodate the masses on all levels of their life in perpetuity. It must entail the modus operandi in all functions of the government. This is when it takes the shape of popularity and popularism.

Napoleon prostituted the French idealism with the glory of his genius.
President Wilson inferred to the characteristics of popular government, when he said that we must make the world a safe place henceforth for democracies.
Doesn’t this remind you of someone else who used those same words, less than a year ago?

Iraq vs. Democracy:
For the first time in history, a Moslem Holy Man of Iraq, representing the majority of the sector of the population of that country, has bestowed the cry of democracy in its full form and shape. The Grand Ayatollah, Ali Samsani, the Supreme leader of the Shi’as, is perfectly in tone and in scope of the true meaning of the word democracy, and the Iraqis are duly entitled to pursue it, to obtain it and to practice it.

Obviously, the Grand Ayatollah of the Shi’a sect of the Arabs of Iraq’s stand is to fulfill the belated and neglected promises that this sect has endured. It is still the Shi’a’s right, and it is the obligation of the democratic point Governments that send their military might to Iraq to obliterate the tyranny in favor of a democracy, to allow this ideology to take its roots in Iraq, for the Shi’as, Sunnis, Kurds, and Assyrians and their co-national ecclesiastic allies.

Since Iraq is composed of another sect of the Arabs, namely the Sunnis, topped by two other oppressed national minorities for centuries, namely the Kurds and the Assyrians and their co-national ecclesiastic allies, the trend, henceforth, shall have to oblige these three cadres of citizenry with full democracy and its ideals to the same degree as those described above for the majority of the Shi’a sect.
It ought not to be more, or less. Exactitude in law is perfection in democratic ideals. Ideally, justice should be done between nations, whether they, be great or small, precisely as it is proper that there should be justice between men, whatever the difference of their positions or faith.

Less than seven years have passed since Yugoslavia was decimated, and many of its Provinces sought and attained–some by blood–their freedom to seek their national freedom and liberty. As a matter of fact, in two instances, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, the question was not so much nationalistic, as it was an ecclesiastic issue in character and in tone.

In Bosnia-Herzegovina three cadres of citizenry ride the Parliamentary Federalism.

Two are nationalistic, Croats and Serbs, and one ecclesiastic–Islamic Bosnians.
All decisions pertaining to subdivision and reshaping of former Yugoslavia were drawn and executed at the foreign offices of the European subcontinent and the Americas.

Plans were being proposed and ratified in Whitehall, Quay d’Orsay, and Foggy Bottom, as well as MI 5, MSN and CIA, among others.
The saying what’s good for the goose is good for the gander is most aptly applicable in this instance.

International Law prescribes that all States are equal, therefore, shall be treated equally.

The schemes implemented upon Yugoslavia ought to be implemented in Iraq. This consideration must be at the helm of all other institutionalizations. A national society can be shaped to a desired shape and form while it is young, but when it is old its character is fixed and it is incapable of any great change in its mode of existence.

The following criteria is therefore, recommended:
· Shi’a Parliamentary Federation
· Sunni Parliamentary Federation
· Kurd Parliamentary Federation
· Assyria and its co-national ecclesiastic allies Parliamentary Federation

The world powers are looked upon as organizers. If their purpose is in extolling the Iraqi population for not standing firm with their former governmental apparatus of tyranny and persecution, this organizer, must plan construction, and, like an architect, must consider the ground for his foundations.

To ensure the continuous pacification of the Iraqi Federalism, geographically designated borders, duly entered and duly registered in the annals of International Organizations and their affiliates, are to be put in place prior to all elections, to occur, henceforth.

Such a territorially geographical demarcation must based on the ancestral habitat of all of the inhabitants of Iraq, as well as a proportionate subdivision of both size and wealth, is both plausible and preponderant.

FINALLY, The United Nations must conduct its business on juridical and not just abstract characteristics.

e-Mail: ivankakovitch@aol.com
Phone: 714.236.4851

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CYPRESS, CA 90630-3256

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