Home / Press releases / On the occasion of the Assyrian New Year , April the 1st

On the occasion of the Assyrian New Year , April the 1st

ADO Damascus :
Our Assyrian Syriac Chaldean people once again is celebrating  its National Day , the Assyrian New Year on the 1st of April “Nissan”, inspired by high hopes and expectations arising from the noble ideals and values this day symbolizes . A day , which  occupies a high place in the memory and  civilized tradition of our people . The values of fertility , renewal and rebirth have always been prime stimulators for our people to overcome the bitter experiences  of tyranny , oppression , deportations and genocide that have greatly shaken our  national and human existence , as well as , great motivators for going past  our crises and starting off with great confidence and strength towards   reclaiming our pioneering civilized role and  reestablishing our national existence alongside our other partners in the homeland on the basis of coexistence  and full partnership in the country .


Our people , on the 1st of April , renews its commitment to life , and looks forward to the future with optimism in spite of the difficulties in the way of the fulfillment of its legitimate national ambitions . This optimism is further enhanced ,on one  hand , by the growing international concern about issue of democracy and human rights , rights of minorities and indigenous people , and on the other hand, by the increasing consciousness of people in the region ,including  the intellectual and political elite ,of their rights and specificity and  the importance of attaining  them within the national framework which is considered as a  pivot for the protection of diversity in a society , as well as a basis  for building of a new and modern society.


Concerning Turkey : The memory of our people is still alive , although a century has passed since the terrible genocide  “Alseifo” ,  and has not forgotten the atrocities and horrors perpetrated by Turkish “Al-Ittihad Wal-tarakki” government against us during the I world war with an aim of exterminating our Christian people in Turkey . These notorious crimes completely ruined the existence of our people and diminished it into a mere symbolic entity on an important part of its historical land   “Upper Beit Nahrein ” situated in the south-east of the present Turkey .


But , in spite of that  , on the occasion of the anniversary of the 1st of Nissan , our people looks forward to seeing the present Turkish government , in its endeavor to join the EU , taking a courageous step  of recognizing the Genocide perpetrated against our people , the Armenians  and others , at the beginning of the last century , as an initial step on her side to reconcile with her past   and people , in addition to  accepting  all the binding obligations according to the  international law resulting from this acknowledgement , such as the right of return , reclaiming the possessions , as well as constitutional recognition of our people’s national rights and a  formal apology to the children and grandchildren of the victims of this  unspeakable  crime . But  as a matter of fact, it is  deplorable that the Turkish regime is currently doing just the opposite , by conducting a   narrow chauvinistic and nationalistic propaganda   through glorifying Genocide butchers like ” Talaat Pash ” and others ;  this is causing great worry amongst our people and  others who have suffered atrocities on the hands of successive Turkish regimes .


As for Iraq , our people , just like all others in Iraq , have undergone  great tragedies in the past years owing to rising terrorism and worsening of security situation to an extent that it threatens the outbreak of a civil war .On the 1st of April, our people  looks for success and progress in the political process and a formation of  national government comprising of all  national , religious and political components of the society without excluding any party ; a government capable of achieving national integration and ending abhorrent terrorism that has done great harm to all Iraqis without exception , a government that would lead the country to building  a strong  and prosperous state capable of controlling the security ,achieving stability and  putting  an end to the foreign occupation of Iraq .


As far as Syria is concerned , our people on the 1st of April is hoping to see a civil modern state  , governed by law and institutions , a country for all its sons irrespective of any national or religious affiliations , under an umbrella of a unified national Syrian identity and on the principles of citizenship ; a country free from all forms of corruption , embezzlement , national superiority and disregard for others . Our people is looking forward to seeing a democratic , multiple and secular system based on principles of justice equality and laws of human rights , as well as , on the constitutional recognition of the rights of all the components of the Syrian society without exception . In this respect , our Organization sees that any attempt for real political reform  in the country should be based on the following principles :

1-Abolishion of emergency law and all exceptional  courts .

2-Releasing from prison all prisoners of conscience and political detainees and closing the file of political detainment  once and for all .

3-Unleashing  general freedoms and drafting democratic , modern  laws for political parties ,unions and  elections , taking into consideration political and national multiplicity , far from all forms  of monopolization and state control . Laws that would guarantee broader participation of the people in the national affairs .

4-Acknowledging the national diversity as well as recognizing our Assyrian Syriac Chaldean people as an indigenous one within the national framework  . Moreover , recognizing the 1st of April “Nissan” as one of the national days would be a step forward in the right direction .


We , in the Assyrian Democratic Organization , and alongside the other patriotic forces seeking democratic changes in Syria , pledge ourselves to continue our struggle steadily and with various peaceful and civilized means to fulfill the above mentioned aims ,and further  to work in order to  lay the foundation of cooperation , understanding and national unity with  all our partners in the country , Arabs , Kurds , Armenians and others , Moslem or Christian , deriving our determination and strength from our people and country .


Finally , on this occasion  we extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes  to all our people in the homeland and Diaspora and we invite them to go to nature an  celebrate this day as an expression of our national pride , hoping that the  new  year would be a year of freedom and prosperity to all of them.


– Syria – End of March 2006

– 6755 Assyrian calendar


Assyrian Democratic Organization

Political Bureau


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14-03-2021 The Assyrian Democratic Organization honors the Syrian Revolution. Ten years ago, in mid-March of …

Home / Press releases / On the occasion of the Assyrian New Year, April the 1st

On the occasion of the Assyrian New Year, April the 1st

Dear countrymen in the homeland and Diaspora:
It has become a tradition in the Diaspora and the homeland to celebrate annually our national day, the New Year, on the first day of Nissan (April), in various public celebrations that represent in their symbolism and meaning the victory over all forms of tyranny and oppression and the determination of our people to keep on living, drawing inspiration from the renewal of nature and rebirth of Tamuz, a new resurrection and potential to recreate and persist. The first of Nissan (April) and the celebration of our people in nature, come to confirm the continuity of our people’s contribution and creativity, its civilized national presence and adherence to its roots and homeland throughout ages from Sumeria, Akkad, Assyria , Aram, Babylonia ending up with the Christian era .

Dear brothers and countrymen
Pressures and threats are increasing on Syria these days, aiming at reconstructing the new Middle East to suit the US strategy as a sole superpower in the world , and further consolidating its hegemony on the area and imposing its agenda and vision, through breaking down all the strongholds and barriers of rejection to its policy . Now, all the indications show that Syria
is the next target. No doubt, the ability to confront these threats is waning, with no change and reforms in the offing, especially that , these pressures are accompanied with winds of liberty and democracy that is sweeping the area and finding extremely enthusiastic and receptive reactions amongst all sectors of the Syrian society.
The decision by president Bashar al-Assad to pull out the Syrian troops from Lebanon in response to the UN resolution and the desire and interest of both Lebanese and Syrian people was a step in the right direction, that would strengthen the independence and sovereignty of the two countries, help establish best relations between them and further ease the pressures to a large extent, if not completely stop them.

As a matter of fact, the rehabilitation of the domestic internal situation and putting it in order would, no doubt , strengthen the country and make it immune to the threats and pressures, as well as would break its isolation , and help her restore its role as a member of the international community alongside the modern democratic developing countries . Thus, priority must be given now to the reform of the internal situation. Arrangements should be made for real general reconciliation in the country , far from demagogic calls for reform coming from outside .On top of these arrangements comes , an invitation for holding a broad-based national dialogue convention called and presided by the president of the country , that would involve all components of the political forces in Syrian society, aiming at debating the different issues with transparency , objectivity and high sense of responsibility and seeking to find the best means and ways to bring to life the ailing reform process , through a new reform policy that would consider the political reforms in the country as an introduction for general reforms in all sectors , and within a course that would lead to the renewal and revival of political life, through releasing general freedoms , broadening involvement in political life , issuing a modern democratic law for political parties that would take into consideration the political ethnic and religious diversity in Syria, as well as putting an end to political monopoly and further , consolidating the concept of citizenship and resolving the problem of ethnic diversity within the national framework, on the basis of real democratic principles via constitutionally recognizing our people alongside other ethnicities . Besides, the emergency law as well as all the exceptional courts and laws should be revoked. Political prisoners, amongst them our brothers, who have been arrested against the backdrop of Hassake’s events, should be released. These steps only, when taken, national unity can be reinforced and a strong, stable and flourishing country capable of confronting the various challenges can be built.

While in
Iraq, our people like all others, has been through very difficult times owing to the loose security situation and the control of terrorists and killers on the streets of Iraq. Their churches and holy places have been targeted and attacked, many of them have been martyred and many others displaced with the aim of ethnic cleansing. Nevertheless, and in an admirable experiment, that expressed their thirst for freedom and democracy, millions of Iraqis challenged the forces of darkness and terror and participated in the first real parliamentary elections in Iraq’s history. In spite of that, the results of this election did not live up to the expectations and ambitions of our people and did not reflect its true representation because of the splits and divisions amongst them on one hand , and depriving many of them of the right to vote in many towns and villages of Nineva plain on the other, due to the partiality and one-sidedness of these elections and the agreement between the Election’s High Commission and influential parties in the area to diminish and further eliminate the role and participation of our people . The democratic experience can not be corrected by diminishing the rights of minorities and depriving them of their rights, or by subjecting them to the will of the powerful parties. The best model of democracy is , that which guarantees the rights of minorities . Hence, the rights of our people and the other minorities must be safeguarded in the permanent constitution. We take the opportunity of our feast to call upon our people’s various factions and institutions in Iraq, to draw lessons from previous experiences and to unify their forces and speech in preparation for the next elections, the most important of which are, the upcoming parliamentary elections and the permanent constitution drafting commission .

Whereas in Turkey and after long years of tyranny , oppression, ethnic and religious discrimination practiced against our people with the aim of displacing them from their historical towns and villages , the authorities, and in their endeavor to enter the EU, have permitted , our people for the first time , to celebrate their national day, the Assyrian New Year. The initiative to hold this celebration was taken by the community council of the Syriac church in Tor Abedin , this is considered an exemplary step reflecting the true conscience and feeling of our people . Our people everywhere is looking forward to generalizing this experiment so that churches everywhere would take part in one of our most important celebrations.

No doubt, the permission by Turkey to hold this celebration is a positive step, but not a sufficient one to atone for crimes committed against our people. Turkey must reconcile with its past at least its near past , and this can be done only through recognizing the genocide perpetrated by her against our people and the Armenians during the II world war, and further, by its acceptance of all the binding obligations according to the international law resulting from this acknowledgement, such as the right of return, reclaiming the possessions, compensations and legal and constitutional guaranties, in addition to a formal apology.

In Diaspora our people and institutions have shown great dynamism and vitality during the past year in defending and interacting with our various issues and were able to knock the door of international bodies to explain our cause to them, this was revealed through the institutional and political efforts as well as demonstrations and rallies and attempts to promote and build up better relations with governments, parliaments and international organizations and human right societies. As a matter of fact, these accumulated experiences and remarkable connections are considered a great support for the cause of our people, if invested correctly.

The 1st of April is a festival of nature, a deep –rooted national feast. Our people are looking forward to considering this occasion, a national day for all components of our society. Finally on this occasion we extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes to all our people in the homeland and Diaspora

Assyrian Democratic Organization

Political Bureau



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