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New Schism within Christianity caused by the Vatican


By Özcan Kaldoyo

Vatican – ESNA — The Vatican claims that only the Catholic Church possesses the truth of the Christian faith. As a Catholic I am ashamed over having a spiritual leader that makes such statements. This shows that the Pope and people in his surroundings haven’t learnt anything from history.

Conflicts within the church have during nearly 2000 years caused war, misery, fanaticism and the spreading of Islam. Despite this, the Catholic Church hasn’t learnt anything from history. The Orthodox bishop Lukas of Constantinople wanted rather to see imams with a white fez instead of bishops with red mitres on their heads. Because the Christians were divided internally and unprepared externally, Constantinople fell in AD 1453. The city is still occupied and has never been recaptured.

Considering the above mentioned statement by Pope Benedict XVI, it seems like he wants to start a similar conflict and disruption within Christendom.

The Pope’s earlier statement about Islam, were he quoted medieval scripts, where Islam was described as a religion of violence, was followed by his repeated denial and apologies to the Muslim world, and his servile actions in the following visit to Turkey in November 2006.

The Pope’s statement, claiming the Catholicism is the only right faith, is an attack and insult against a great part of Christianity, like Orthodox Christianity and Protestantism.

During the Genocide of 1915 against the Christians, both Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants were murdered in millions for their Christian faith. Weren’t the victims that were not Catholics, but were Orthodox and Protestants, in possession of any truth?

In addition to the above mentioned statements, the Vatican has recently commented the situation of the Christians Assyrians and Chaldeans in Iraq. The Vatican has opposed the idea of Assyrians and Chaldeans getting an administrative zone in the Nineveh plains in Northern Iraq. How can the Vatican act like that, when Christians are being ethnically cleansed in Iraq and risk extinction?

I am myself a Catholic and pay church tax to the Catholic Church. I get very doubtful in my relation to the Catholic Church when the Vatican acts this way. I condemn this action.

I demand from the Vatican and the Pope to apologize to the Orthodox, the Protestants and to the other Christian communities for this statement.

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