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Mr. Yonadam Kanna survives assasination attempt

Reports from our contacts in Baghdad say that there was an unsuccessful assasination attempt on Rabi Yonadam Kanna, leader of the Assyrian Democratic Movement (ZOWAA) on 6 May 2006 at approx 12 noon.

We believe a roadside device was triggered and a vehicle behind Rabi Yonadam was blown up. Rabi Yonadam survived the attack and his bodyguards suffered small injuries. This was the third attempt against Rabi Yonadam.

We will update you as information becomes available. Assyrians for Justice will report on the incident in the coming days on the paltalk platform. You can also visit www.zowaa.org for more information

Lets keep Rabi Yonadam and all others in Iraq in our prayers

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