Home / News / Assyrian news / Military Court Judge Sentences Gabriel Issa to Six Months and Releases Nahir Hanna

Military Court Judge Sentences Gabriel Issa to Six Months and Releases Nahir Hanna

Conviction of Gabriel Issa and Acquittal of Nahir Hanna by Military Court Judge in Qamishly

(ADO-World.org – Syria)

On Sunday, November 28, 2010, the military court in Qamishly, Syria, held the trial case of Gabriel Issa and Nahir Hanna.  The military judge issued the following sentences:

  •  Acquittal of Nahir Hanna of all charges, due to lack of legal evidence

  •  Conviction of Gabriel Issa and sentencing him to six (6) months, and a fine of one hundred (100) Syrian pounds for the charge of “Inciting Sectarian Strife” under Article 307 of the Syrian Penal Code.

  •  For legal and mitigating reasons, reducing the sentence of Gabriel Issa to three (3) months, and lowering the fine to fifty (50) Syrian pounds in accordance with Article 244 of the Syrian Penal Code.

  •  Considering the detention period served as part of the sentence period to be served.

  •  Stripping Gabriel Issa of all civil rights

  •  Confiscating the flags that contain the historical symbols

  •  The sentence can be appealed within 31 days of issuance

Both Assyrian youths were arrested on September 20, 2010, due to the raising of an Assyrian flag during an Evin Agassi party in Qamishly on September 19, 2010. They were being charged with “Inciting Sectarian Strife” under Article 307 of the Penal Code, where they were to be tried in a Military Court.

Mr. Nahir Hanna works at a printing press where the flags are believed to have been printed.  Mr. Gabriel Issa works as an electrician and belongs to an Assyrian family that has been prohibited from receiving Syrian Citizenship since 1962.  The sentence of “Stripping Gabriel Issa of all civil rights” is surprising since he is already denied Syrian Citizenship and Civil Rights.

Mr. Gabriel Issa’s lawyer mentioned that the sentence has not been carried out yet and will be appealed within 31 days of issuance.

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