Home / Press releases / Joint Declaration by AUA, ADO, and ADP

Joint Declaration by AUA, ADO, and ADP

Joint Declaration
On October 14, 2010, a delegation from the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) visited Syria, headed by Mr. Yonathan Betkolia, Secretary General of the Assyrian Universal Alliance, along with Mr. Edwin Babeleh Khanshan, AUA Homeland Regional Secretary.  The AUA delegation met with the leaderships of the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) and the Assyrian Democratic Party (ADP) in a joint meeting, in which the three parties discussed the conditions of our people in general and particularly focused on the situation in Iraq.  The three parties agreed to the following points:

1- Demanding from the Iraqi federal government to recognize the constitutional rights of our people, including the right of autonomy which strengthens our presence in Iraq.

2- Working to find a political leadership for our people that would emerge from a comprehensive national conference involving all of our political parties and organizations (regardless of the names) and adopting national and united goals and demands.

3- The three parties emphasized on their intentions to strengthen their relationship and mutual cooperation to achieve our goals in the homeland.

4- The three parties emphasized that strengthening the mutual understanding and cooperation between themselves does not contradict with each side’s independence as a political party.

Syria, 14 / 7 / 6760 Assyrian
           14 / 10 / 2010 AD

Assyrian Universal Alliance
Assyrian Democratic Organization
Assyrian Democratic Party

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