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Iraqi Vicar Denounces Persecution of Christians



Baghdad – AKI — The Iraqi government and the multinational forces are responsible for what is happening to the Christian families in Iraq, the vicar of the Chaldean Catholic church patriarch Shlimon Warduni denounced on Thursday. “There are various armed groups which are putting pressure on Christian families trying to force them to abandon their faith and embrace Islam,” he told Adnkronos International (AKI) in an interview.

“Thousands of Christian families have been forced to emigrate from their original areas following threats that they would be killed if they did not renounce Christianity,” Warduni added.
“Even though we have knocked on all doors and appealed to the government and to religious leaders of all faiths, we have heard only kindly words but in reality not a thing has been done. In fact the situation is worsening,” the vicar complained.

Over the past two months, thousands of families have left their homes, and according to frequent reports “many of these homes have been raided and occupied by armed gangs,” he said. “All this happens while the security forces look on idly,” Warduni said.

Edmond Yuhanna, a member of the Socialist Movement in Iraq told AKI that “the trafic situation in which many Christian families in Iraq live is no longer a secret for anyone,” highlighting that they are subject to “the most grotesque provocations and pressures to give up their faith or to pay a tax.” According to Yuhanna, “these operations, organied by armed gangs, serve the interests of the al-Qaeda network.”

“What is really shocking is that the government and the multinational forces take absolutely no responsibility for ensuring the safety of these families, despite the appeals and requests of Christian members of parliament.”

According to some reports, more than 15,000 Christian families have fled Baghdad and other cities since March 2003 heading to the north of the country – once tolerant and safe areas – where they now live in harsh and unsafe conditions.

Another 10,000 have moved abroad.

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