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Iraqi Prelate Urges Obama to Help Minorities

Laments Political Involvement in Anti-Christian Violence


BAGHDAD, NOV. 11, 2008 (Zenit.org).- An Iraqi archbishop is hoping the new U.S. president will urge the

war-torn country to respect minority rights.

Archbishop Jean Sleiman of Baghdad told the charity group Aid to the Church in Need that it is important for

the United States and President-elect Barack Obama to “help protect minority rights in Iraq. Pressure needs to

be put on the government in Iraq to respect the needs not only of Christians, but of all minorities.”

The prelate’s comments came in the wake of more allegations that there was political involvement in the mass

exodus of Christians from Mosul last month. Meanwhile, Iraqi Parliament announced Nov. 3 that only six

seats will be allocated for minority groups in the provincial elections scheduled for January. Three of those

seats — out of a total of more than 400 — are for Christians.

“I hope that the United States will encourage Iraq to improve and become a country where the rule of law is

upheld, where there is equality and where human rights are at the heart of the Constitution,” Archbishop

Sleiman said.

The prelate stated that Christians need more protection, noting that some 1,500 of the 15,000 who fled Mosul

have returned, despite fears of ongoing threats and intimidation.

“The political parties here are not concerned about the rights of minorities,” he affirmed. “They think more

about their own tactics and strategies.”

His comments coincide with a statement last month from Iraqi bishops who said that the “tragic events in

Mosul” were “part of a political plan” aimed at the “division and fragmentation of the country.”

The archbishop went on to say that in Iraq few people — including Christians — expect significant change

under Obama.

He said: “I do not detect a real enthusiasm for Obama. People here think that a change in president will not

bring about a change in strategy — maybe in style.

“One Arabic online newspaper ran an article with a headline: ‘Bush was not a savage and Obama will not be

an angel.’ I think this means the journal believes Bush was not as bad as some say and Obama will not be as

good as people think.”

“People don’t know quite what to think of Obama. His charismatic figure and his victory impressed

everybody. But most people will be watching and waiting to see how the situation develops.”


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