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Iraqi Christians point an accusing finger at Kurdish parties in the attacks against them



Mosul (Iraq)- Middle East Online– In a quiet neighborhood overlooking where pear trees and flowers over the walls of parks scattered remains of potted flowers near the broken blocks of concrete and dust is all that remains of a Christian family home was bombed this month. And near the ruins of the eye suggest two other dwellings belonging to Christian families Only Sagvi houses under the rubble.

It was the bombing of three houses a few minutes as part of a campaign of violence this month in 1500 caused the displacement of at least Christian family from Mosul, which is one of the most diverse Iraqi cities, both ethnic and religious communities. Neighbors say the owners of houses that three unidentified warned families to leave minutes before the destruction of their homes.

The attacks and threats against Christians in recent times caused alarm has spread from Baghdad to the Vatican and the United Nations. The violence brought to light the tragedy of a religious minority estimated to number hundreds of thousands in Iraq, which is predominantly Muslim population also found between the cracks in an area of the country’s ethnic diversity has led to the delicate balance of power. The local authorities are overblown fears of a wave of violence against Christians in order to generate panic.

The authorities expect the return of families to their homes quickly. Mohsen said Zuhair Al-Araji mayor of Mosul, the 35 Christian families at least returned to their homes. “They said that the media had exaggerated the incident or incidents camera he was confident that Christian families will return to the city and live a normal life and not attacked anyone. Araji and a member of a minority Iraqi clamp a small number.

The U.S. military also said the violence may have Tdjima part of a bid to raise tensions. He met Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Wednesday with leaders of Christians and reiterated his pledge to protect Christians in Iraq. But Christians know that the armed groups belonging to the ruling parties in Baghdad was behind the attacks and threats “ambiguous” against them.

It appears that gunmen loyal to Kurdish parties and sectarian allies have over the past weeks, distributing leaflets on behalf of al-Qaeda threat, and carried out a series of killings in an attempt to suggest that this organization is doing this work. This is not the first time that crimes against innocent people is attributed to al Qaeda or other militant groups in the Iraqi resistance.

Observers say that in Baghdad familiar tactic, which is largely succeeded in making all the cracks and the current sectarian divisions, which now constitutes the main source of the influence of religious parties, which took command of the country. Trying to parties involved in attacks against Christians underestimated, and after exposure part of the truth is that “parties ambiguous”, not “vague” to that degree. Maliki’s office said in a statement that the prime minister promised to punish groups behind the exodus of Christians and holding all parties that stand behind the armed elements.

He killed about 12 Iraqis this month, a Christian, but says American forces could not verify the number of attacks. Iraqi officials have committed themselves to blame caution. In Mosul, everybody is talking about hidden conspiracies and conspirators unknown. “They said that certain groups exploiting the issue of escalation against Christians and pledged to implement its plans to disclose them shortly.

Maliki said in a statement about the suffering that Christians in Mosul, “part of a political scheme”, but did not make clear who was behind the planned destination. Of course, gave Brigadier General Tony Thomas commander of U.S. forces in Mosul responsible for the attacks on Islamist militants of the year. The others, including many Christians in silence finger to the strong Kurdish minority in Mosul, which controls the Regional Council and a majority in the local army. Some say that the Kurds want to show that he can not control Mosul without them. T

he regional elections are scheduled to take place at the end of January next diminishing power of Kurds in the region when he Arabs for the first time is that many of them boycotted the last election. The initial draft of the electoral law will guarantee for the Christians a small number of seats in the regional parliament, but canceled the quota last month, prompting some Christians to demonstrate in the streets.

U.S. officials say that the return of Christians to their homes may require months despite assurances by the mayor. Said Lieutenant Colonel Robert Molinari, a U.S. officer in Mosul, “I do not think they will return in the near term.” “We Christians will no longer only when they see that there are situations” where trust. The U.S. and Iraqi forces in the latest crackdown earlier this month and promised to give special attention to secure neighborhoods Christianity.

Said Father Thomas Gabriel, a priest in the monastery near Mosul, appealed to the families of some of these families ready to return for security, adding the condition that they waiting for the central authorities to do something the army.

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