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Iraqi Assyrians the Largest Voting Block in the US

AINA) — The agency in charge of the Iraqi expatriate vote officially released its results today. 265,148 ballots were cast by the expatriate Iraqis from the 14 countries hosting the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Out-of-Country Voting (OCV) Program. The results have been electronically sent to the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) in Baghdad.

Of the 110 slates on the ballot, 5 received 4% or more, 2 received between 1 and 2%, and the rest were significantly below 1%.

The Assyrian Christian slate came in fourth with 7% of the vote.

World Results
Total Votes
The Shiite list (169) 95318 36.15%
The Kurdish list (130) 78062 29.60%
The Iraqi list (285), Iyad Allawi
24136 9.15%
The Assyrian list (204), Christian
18538 7.03%
The People’s Union list (324) 11640 4.41

In the United States the Assyrians had the largest voting block as a group, with their combined results amounting to 34.01% of the votes. The Rafidain Assyrian list (204) came in second to the Shiite list.

US Results
Total Votes
The Shiite list (169) 7694 31.69%
The Assyrian list (204), Christian
6996 28.82%
The Kurdish list (130) 4113 16.94%
The People’s Union list (324) 1989 8.19%
Assyrian National list (139)
1260 5.19%
The Iraqi list (285), Iyad Allawi 1028 4.23%

? 2005, Assyrian International News Agency.  All Rights Reserved

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