Home / News / Iraq / Highlights Of Election Program of Kurdistani Alliance List

Highlights Of Election Program of Kurdistani Alliance List

The list includes many of the main political Kurdish parties like Kurdistan Democratic Party, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Kurdistan Communist Party, Kurdistan Islamic Union, Toddlers Party of Kurdistan, Turkmen Parties as well as Chaldo-Assyrian Parties and some independent Kurdish, Arabic and Turkmen figures. The list is not exclusive to Kurds but includes all   other populations living in Iraqi Kurdistan like Arabs, Turkmen and Chaldo-Assyrian Christians. A strong appearance of this list in the coming general Iraqi elections will boost the Kurdish demands for federalism, reversal of Arabization and rejoining of disputed parts of Kurdistan like Kirkuk, Shangal, Makhmour, Khanaguin, Mandali to the federal province of Iraqi Kurdistan and a high participation of Kurdistani electorate in Kurdistan and abroad will show that people of Kurdistan are aware of the significance and consequences of those elections. Inspite of the looming problem of Kirkuk and the failure to implement article 56 of TAL, the Kurdish community must be fully prepared to spare no effort to participate in those elections in Iraq and abroad even if if they have some reservations about the   performances of some of the political parties which form part of the alliance.

The Kurdistani Alliance has recently published its election programme for those elections, the programme includes many issues concerning Kurdistan in particular and Iraq in general. I thought it might be useful to highlight some of those electoral promises to our English speaking readers and those Kurds in Diaspora who can’t get hold of Kurdish publications and election campaigns.

Some of the highlights of their political programme are:
1. To confirm the Kurdish legitimate national rights and work on the endorsement of the basic principles of TAL which was drafted in 08.03.2004, and cement it in the permanent Iraqi constitution.
2.To  work towards a permanent constitution which is drafted on the principle of  consensus between main Iraqi groups, this constitution should guarantee a democratic federal and pluralistic system of governance on the principles of voluntary union between the main components of Iraqi society, the principle of separation of judicial, executive and legislative powers and the the principle of change of governments through direct and free elections.

3. To confirm the national, political, cultural and religious rights of Turkmen, Chaldo-Assyrians, Armenians, Ezdians, Shabak , Kakai, and Mandais an other elements of Iraqi society.
4.To spread the culture of religious and political tolerance and peaceful co-existance of different components of Iraqi society and respect the political, national, cultural and sectarian plurality of Iraqi society.

5.To redress all the resolutions and amendments and practices issued by the Baath regime and to undo its ill-effects like Arabization, ethnic cleansing, confiscation and deportations.

6. To work towards restitution and compensation of all victims of the ousted regime  during the campaigns of mass murders, Anfal genocide operations, chemical attacks, forcible deportations, demolition of hamlets and towns and destruction of Marshes region .

7. To care for the families of Martyrs and handicapped and elderly people and provide decent life to them.

8.To fight terror and violence in all its forms and work towards its eradication from Iraqi society.

9. To build good relations with neighbouring countries on the principles of mutual respect, common interests, none-interference and respect of sovereignty.

10.To respect the freedom of expression, press and publications as well as respect of religious beliefs.

11.To support the issues of women and raise their participation in all levels of state establishment and support their social, economical, political and cultural rights.

12.Distribution of wealth between different Iraqi provinces fairly and according to the size of its populations.

13.To fight corruption and to adopt transparency in all levels of state.

14.To work towards adoption of free market economy and support investments and provide support to achieve progress in agricultural, industrial and trade sectors.

15.To protect the rights of children and youth according to the United Nations Manifesto.

16.To raise the standard of living and annual incomes of all the Iraqi peoples.

17. to work towards a comprehensive plan for reconstruction and improvements of infrastructure specially in those regions which were deliberately ignored by the ousted regime or as the result of its destructive wars and repressive policies.

18.To fight unemployment and work towards economical growth, work opportunities and encouragement of investments.

19. Provision of basic services like electricity, clean water, sanitation, fuel and communications for all the peoples of Iraq.

20. To work towards a civil society and removal of all fundamentalist and racist policies of previous regime which were based on religious, ethnic or sectarian causes, respect of human rights and the rule of law.

These highlights of the electoral programme were meant to open a much debate about these promises and to hold those parties accountable for their promises once they have reached their goal.

Dr.Nazhad Khasraw Hawramany




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Home / News / Assyrian news / Highlights Of Election Program of Kurdistani Alliance List

Highlights Of Election Program of Kurdistani Alliance List

The list includes many of the main political Kurdish parties like Kurdistan Democratic Party, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Kurdistan Communist Party, Kurdistan Islamic Union, Toddlers Party of Kurdistan, Turkmen Parties as well as Chaldo-Assyrian Parties and some independent Kurdish, Arabic and Turkmen figures. The list is not exclusive to Kurds but includes all   other populations living in Iraqi Kurdistan like Arabs, Turkmen and Chaldo-Assyrian Christians. A strong appearance of this list in the coming general Iraqi elections will boost the Kurdish demands for federalism, reversal of Arabization and rejoining of disputed parts of Kurdistan like Kirkuk, Shangal, Makhmour, Khanaguin, Mandali to the federal province of Iraqi Kurdistan and a high participation of Kurdistani electorate in Kurdistan and abroad will show that people of Kurdistan are aware of the significance and consequences of those elections. Inspite of the looming problem of Kirkuk and the failure to implement article 56 of TAL, the Kurdish community must be fully prepared to spare no effort to participate in those elections in Iraq and abroad even if if they have some reservations about the   performances of some of the political parties which form part of the alliance.

The Kurdistani Alliance has recently published its election programme for those elections, the programme includes many issues concerning Kurdistan in particular and Iraq in general. I thought it might be useful to highlight some of those electoral promises to our English speaking readers and those Kurds in Diaspora who can’t get hold of Kurdish publications and election campaigns.

Some of the highlights of their political programme are:
1. To confirm the Kurdish legitimate national rights and work on the endorsement of the basic principles of TAL which was drafted in 08.03.2004, and cement it in the permanent Iraqi constitution.
2.To  work towards a permanent constitution which is drafted on the principle of  consensus between main Iraqi groups, this constitution should guarantee a democratic federal and pluralistic system of governance on the principles of voluntary union between the main components of Iraqi society, the principle of separation of judicial, executive and legislative powers and the the principle of change of governments through direct and free elections.

3. To confirm the national, political, cultural and religious rights of Turkmen, Chaldo-Assyrians, Armenians, Ezdians, Shabak , Kakai, and Mandais an other elements of Iraqi society.
4.To spread the culture of religious and political tolerance and peaceful co-existance of different components of Iraqi society and respect the political, national, cultural and sectarian plurality of Iraqi society.

5.To redress all the resolutions and amendments and practices issued by the Baath regime and to undo its ill-effects like Arabization, ethnic cleansing, confiscation and deportations.

6. To work towards restitution and compensation of all victims of the ousted regime  during the campaigns of mass murders, Anfal genocide operations, chemical attacks, forcible deportations, demolition of hamlets and towns and destruction of Marshes region .

7. To care for the families of Martyrs and handicapped and elderly people and provide decent life to them.

8.To fight terror and violence in all its forms and work towards its eradication from Iraqi society.

9. To build good relations with neighbouring countries on the principles of mutual respect, common interests, none-interference and respect of sovereignty.

10.To respect the freedom of expression, press and publications as well as respect of religious beliefs.

11.To support the issues of women and raise their participation in all levels of state establishment and support their social, economical, political and cultural rights.

12.Distribution of wealth between different Iraqi provinces fairly and according to the size of its populations.

13.To fight corruption and to adopt transparency in all levels of state.

14.To work towards adoption of free market economy and support investments and provide support to achieve progress in agricultural, industrial and trade sectors.

15.To protect the rights of children and youth according to the United Nations Manifesto.

16.To raise the standard of living and annual incomes of all the Iraqi peoples.

17. to work towards a comprehensive plan for reconstruction and improvements of infrastructure specially in those regions which were deliberately ignored by the ousted regime or as the result of its destructive wars and repressive policies.

18.To fight unemployment and work towards economical growth, work opportunities and encouragement of investments.

19. Provision of basic services like electricity, clean water, sanitation, fuel and communications for all the peoples of Iraq.

20. To work towards a civil society and removal of all fundamentalist and racist policies of previous regime which were based on religious, ethnic or sectarian causes, respect of human rights and the rule of law.

These highlights of the electoral programme were meant to open a much debate about these promises and to hold those parties accountable for their promises once they have reached their goal.

Dr.Nazhad Khasraw Hawramany




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