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Governmental terror against Christians in Midyat, Turkey

On August 30th, 2006 an unknown man threw a grenade into the house of Mr. Gabro Seven in Midyat, south-eastern Turkey, fortunately the family was not home at the time.

According to reliable sources, a police officer named Aytac Tefek is behind what happened and that Tefek has been responsible for other such operations and pressure tactics aimed to force the Assyrians in the area to leave.

Two days earlier another tragic incident took place. Mr. Issa Dogan, living in Australia, and Yusuf Ay were assaulted and beaten up by some Muslim extremists in the centre of Midyat.  An individual from the Cimmo family tried to blackmail Mr. Dogan into giving him $7000 dollars. When he refused, 15-20 people surrounded them and started to beat them up in front of a lot of people, who unfortunately did not dare to interfere or help them.

In 2002 Faulus and Afram Haidari were severely beaten up near the city hall of Midyat when they tried to submit a complaint against the Cimmo family. The Cimmos had occupied their property and lands, the Haidari family was given the choice to either leave or to be killed.

On July 23rd, 2005, Mr. Zeki Un, a Swedish Assyrian, and his son David were shot in their legs by Kahraman Yildiz, a senior member of the ruling Turkish party AKP. 

Non of these committers was neither arrested nor subjected to any legal procedures, which gives a green light to any aggressors to commit more horrible actions enabling them to reach their goals of controlling the Assyrian lands and properties in the region.

There are already other villages in Tur Abdin which have been confiscated by the Turkish authorities and Muslim extremists who tend to use violence against those who try to return the properties to their rightful owners.

It is extremely important to remind the European countries that while Turkey is trying to negotiate its way into the European Union, the conditions for the Assyrians and other Christian minorities in Turkey have not improved in any way. And that Turkey?s empty promises throughout its history makes every one aware of the danger that Turkey is following its old path.  It is worth noting that many of the Assyrians who had fled Turkey for Europe during the 1960?s and 1970?s because of persecution have begun to return to their towns and villages but they are facing many dangers, especially what concerns their security.


Simon Barmano,

President of the Assyrian National Association of Sweden


Telefon: +46 (0) 8 550 166 83
Fax: +46 (0) 8 550 115 93
Postadress: Box 6019, 151 06 S?dert?lje
E-post: simon.barmano@hujada.com

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