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First Assyrian Woman Elected into Political Office in The Netherlands (20/03/2003)

Ms. Gamri’s Goals:

Ms. Gamri believes that “the world exists for 50% of women.” She questions, “why are more women not represented in politics, a forum where decisions for a country and society are reached?” She believes that in many cases, women have a completely different view than men and as such, the female perspective can enrich the political debate. Over the past years, Ms. Gamri has dedicated herself to working intensely with Assyrian political parties where she claims to have learned immensely. However, it is unfortunate, she claims, that she has also noticed a lack of professionalism within these organizations. From her position as an elected legislator, she hopes to support the Assyrian political parties in improving their work and in educating people in the political process. She also hopes more Assyrian women will enter the field of politics; so that, they can influence decisions that impact the society in which they live.

Assyrian Role Models:

In the modern era, unfortunately, not many Assyrian women have taken an active part in political questions. However, one influential Assyrian woman’s political voice who has impacted Ms. Garmi is that of Surma Khanim.* Surma Khanim is also known to many as “the Ambassador of the Assyrian people.” Another political leader who has made an impression on Ms. Gamri is the late Professor Ashur Yousuf of Kharput.** Professor Ashur Yousuf dedicated his life to the political awakening of a sleeping people.

Today, in Ms. Garmi’s opinion, the politicians whose talents move mountains are: Mr. Yonadam Yacob Yusuf (ADM), Dr. Yacob Isa (ADO) and Mr. Numan Neshro. She admires them for their charisma and political vision for the Assyrian national question. Finally, Ms. Gamri says, “I admire Dr. Eden Naby, for her dedication, professionalism and organizing skills and Dr. Katrin Michael, a brave Assyrian Chaldean who has skilfully raised the attention of both the media and politicians about the presence of our people in Iraq.”

Duties to the Assyrian People:

Ms. Garmi states, “I will always try to maintain good contact with my people. And as long as the political parties serve the interest of this oppressed people, I will try to support them in their battle for human rights and international recognition. When I am able to, I will not hesitate in presenting the Assyrian Question on the international political agenda. The issue of the denied Assyrian Genocide of 1915 (“Sayfo”) is one of my priorities.

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