Home / News / Assyrian news / Ethnic Cleansing of Assyrians Continues

Ethnic Cleansing of Assyrians Continues


By Lena Yacoub  

IRAQ – modbee — Before the war in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was in power. Iraqi borders had been secured and there was not one terrorist in Iraq. However, people were struggling to stay alive.

There were secret massacres and killings. The victims were the Assyrians — a people descended from those who accepted Christianity in 33 A.D. They used to have an empire called Assyria in today’s northern Iraq. Now the Kurdish people are taking away Assyrian soil, claiming it is their property.

The Kurdish people are destroying every ownership document that belonged to the Assyrians. Not only that, but Kurds are also killing Assyrians and forcing them to flee the country. Thousands of Assyrians fled Iraq, and hundreds of thousands have been murdered. Assyrians have faced near-extinction in the past.

In 1933, the Iraqi army and Kurdish leaders massacred 3,000 Assyrians in northern Iraq. Turkish and Kurdish people committed genocide toward the Assyrian people in 1915, massacring 750,000 Assyrians — or 75 percent of the population. Turkey and other world governments have not recognized Assyrian genocide; they deny any responsibility.

Assyrians just want a secure peaceful homeland so that they can survive and worship Jesus and live at peace with people.

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