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Demonstrate for the Nineveh Plains – Washington


On 12/4/2006?


WHO: Christians for Assyrians of Iraq (a non-partisan coalition of Assyrians and Faith-Based Leaders in the United States)

WHAT: ?Stand for Iraq?s Assyrians, Save the Nineveh Plains?

WHEN: Monday, December 4th, 2006 (12pm ? 2pm)

WHERE: White House Sidewalk (Pennsylvania Avenue)

WHY: In this two-hour demonstration in front of the White House, our coalition will rally America?s political leaders to recognize the tragedy facing the Assyrians and support the formation of the Nineveh Plains Administrative Unit in northern Iraq. This rally follows the urgency of the humanitarian issue facing persecuted Assyrians and other Christians in Iraq, and offers a solution: the creation of the Nineveh Plains Administrative Unit as a safe-haven province for Assyrians and other Christians in Iraq.

Your participation in this event means two things: first, you will positively and directly impact the lives of persecuted Assyrians and other Christians in Iraq; and second, you will give them hope for a better future. If the Nineveh Plains Administrative Unit is formed, the vast exile of Assyrians from their homeland will be reversed. Instead of Assyrians escaping ethnic and religious persecution by fleeing to neighboring countries, Assyrians will have a territory where they can worship freely in their churches, speak their language, work their land, and live their lives without fear of persecution.

ACTION: Do you want to participate in this critical event? You can hold signs, distribute literature and rally for a better future for Iraq?s Christians.

Please email christiansforassyriansofiraq@yahoogroups.com if you would like to attend. If you are in CHICAGO transportation can be provided, but please RSVP!!

Do you want more information about the Nineveh Plains Administrative Unit? Read a compelling editorial on this matter at

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