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David Gaunt: Press Release about Mass-grave in Mardin

 27 February 2007

 Re: Mass-grave in Mardin

Two weeks ago Prof. Dr. Yusuf Halaçoðu, head of the Turkish Historical Society, challenged me in Turkish media to give him an answer about a joint investigation of the mass-grave found last October in Mardin province. I answered him immediately proposing the period of 23-25 April as a possible date for a preliminary meeting and first site inspection. This was not intended as a provocation, but I made this time slot by cancelling some lecture invitations to which I had already agreed.

Since then, I have not heard a word from Prof. Halaçoðlu. I have written to him privately, faxed and e-mailed, but with no result. This unnatural silence leads to the conclusion that he no longer is interested in making a truly scientific investigation of the mass-grave find. What could be the reason?

In order to give this investigation some scientific legitimacy, I had suggested that an impartial international group of crime scene investigators be the first to inspect the cave in order to ascertain whether the bodies had been manipulated in any way and whether the site was intact. Only if and when they would give a clear signal would any other investigators enter. Are we forced to conclude that the site has indeed already been prepared, and that trained persons would easily discover the manipulation? In that case it would be reasonable for Prof. Halaçoðlu to want to forget his invitation. At present there are few alternative interpretations to his behaviour other than that he regrets the publicity he has given this matter.



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