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Clarification Statement of Damascus Declaration

Damascus- ADO:
A short time has passed since the launching of Damascus Declaration. Nevertheless, it has unleashed unusual activity in the political circles in Syria. Although the debate has not been settled yet, and the whole issue is still in the transitional phase, we think that all the concerned parties, especially the opposition, are required to enrich the ongoing debate with their observations, critical remarks and reservations. Hence, we call upon all the forces in line with the Declaration –inside or outside the country- to join in this debate.

As for us, in view of the consensuses reached in the Joint Declaration with Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO), and further, believing that the Declaration has not exhausted national work in Syria, and striving to complement this debate, we would like to clarify the following:

1-The dangers and challenges threatening Syria are many and diverse:
– External ones: represented by the US and Zionist plans to impose their hegemony over the area. These are extremely dangerous plots that aim at waging wars and destabilizing the area , and the clearest example of this is, the continuous Zionist aggressions on our people in occupied Palestine, the occupation of Syrian Golan Heights, as well as the US occupation of Iraq and the consequent effects.
– Internal: resulting from repression and corruption. As a matter of fact , if we are focusing today on the internal threats , that is because we believe that confronting external dangers can not be fulfilled under ongoing repression and marginalization of the Syrian people, its right in resistance and the ability to exercise this right . Hence, we firmly confirm, that resisting occupation and outside aggressive plots is one of our common goals and visions for building the democratic, national and independent state.

2-Syria is an integral part of the Arab World consequently the democratic change would enable her to do all the national duties and responsibilities emanating from this affiliation, this does not contradict what has been stated in the Damascus Declaration concerning the rights of other minorities especially the Kurds as they are a component of the Syrian structure.

3-Our democratic and qualitative concepts are very far from the backward and closed ones that characterized fanatic groups. It depends, as stipulated in the Declaration, on the concept of citizenship, equal rights and duties, as well as, on a civil state. Therefore , the phrases “the most prominent ” component , the religion of the majority and others , were aiming at emphasizing the human and liberating values of Islam shared by other religions and cultures , values , that no real national unity can be achieved without them .

4- The main goal of Declaration being national democratic change , that would lead to abolition of state monopoly and tyranny , does not mean , ignoring or overlooking other tasks pertaining the national issues , corruption and development , unemployment and livelihood , equal opportunities , social justice , as well as issues related to women and youths . As democracy is a value in itself that can not be postponed or waited for, hence it constitutes the prerequisite for achieving these tasks.

Damascus 31/01/2006

Damascus Declaration’s Transitional committee

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