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Clarification About the Preparations of the Governorate of Arbil for the Iraqi National Conference


In the middle of this optimism, the individuals who are preparing to name the delegates of Arbil are neglecting the role of the ADM. This they do despite the fact that the ADM is the representative of the ChaldoAssyrians in the Kurdish parliament, a parliament that they refer to so proudly as an historical accomplishment. In the forefront is the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) who is leading the way in marginalizing the role of the ADM. Furthermore, the KDP is belittling the principles of representing our people and selecting our representatives. The KDP officials selected those they desired in order to participate in the local governorate (province) conference and it was them (i.e. KDP officials) who supplied the required delegates to the Iraqi National Conference.


As we assert our strong objection for such methods and procedures, we call upon the upper committee that is preparing the national conference to accept its responsibilities and to investigate in the matter. What had occurred is a defamation and challenge to the legality of the conference and is inconsistent to the principles that were adopted by the upper committee.


Assyrian Democratic Movement

Arbil Bureau

July 21, 2004   

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