Home / News / Iraq / ChadoAssyrian Syriacs of Europe support the “excluded” Iraqi Voters

ChadoAssyrian Syriacs of Europe support the “excluded” Iraqi Voters

While actively supporting the January elections and the Iraqi process of democratization in general, the ChaldoAssyrian Syriac demonstration outside the European Parliament is to demonstrate our solidarity and support for the tens of thousands of voters from ChaldoAssyrian cities and villages in the Nineveh plains around Mosul, namely Baghdeda, Karemlesh, Bartilla, Bashiqa, Bahzan and Ain Sifne (Shekhan).  The ChaldoAssyrians in these areas patiently waited throughout the Election Day on January 30 outside the polling stations, unfortunately they were unable to exercise their newly found democratic voting right as the election officials and material (ballot boxes, ballot papers and ink) never turned up.

Despite the numerous official detailed requests and protests issued by political parties and their candidates to the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) and to the regional authorities, and despite the assurances and promises made by the IECI, it is extremely disappointing to note that a satisfactory conclusion to this critical matter never materialised.  Although ballot boxes were eventually delivered, very late, on the day of the elections, election officials never showed up and in many other areas where voting did take place, there was a serious shortage of ballot papers, thus the vast majority of ChaldoAssyrians in areas where voting did take place were unable to vote.

Deprived of their civil rights, ChaldoAssyrian Syriac voters on the same day took to the streets of these towns and villages and last Sunday in Baghdad expressed their outrage and protested against marginalisation, transgression and violation of the electoral law.

The “exclusion” has not only affected tens of thousands of ChaldoAssyrians Syriac voters but also thousands of Yezidis, Shabaks, and Turkmen voters. Other violations took place in the Sanjar and Telkaif districts, this happened in the Northern Iraqi district which was under Kurdish jurisdiction as far as the elections were concerned.

Since then, the different parties in charge of the organisation and follow-up of the elections, be they the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI), the two main Kurdish parties, the Interim Iraqi Government or the Coalition Forces, have all denied and rejected responsibility of the discriminatory voting injustices perpetrated against the ChaldoAssyrian Syriacs in the Nineveh Plains.

The declaration (n° 15) issued by an investigative delegation of the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq (IECI) on Monday February 7, who were sent to the area concerned confirmed the transgressions and the violations of the electoral law and concluded: “the Commission will examine all transgressions hereby mentioned, will separately take measures necessary for each irregularity and will inform the Iraqi opinion of the results of these investigations as quickly as possible”. To return to the Greek calends – as much to say never!

This prevention of voting rights in the Nineveh Plains populated mainly by ChaldoAssyrian Syriac people aims at the exclusion of any possible, free and independent representation of this area in the coming Iraqi National Assembly and Northern Parliament.

The Nineveh Plains represents to the majority of the ChaldoAssyrian political parties, within the framework of a federal Iraq, their autonomous administrative area according to article 53d of the Transitional Administrative Law (TAL).

The exclusion has deeply shocked the ChaldoAssyrian Syriac communities throughout the world and has tarnished, at the very first hurdle, what was hailed to be the birth of democracy in Iraq.

We invite all Iraqis in Europe, regardless of their ethnic grouping (Arab, Kurdish, ChaldoAssyrian Syriac, Turkmen) and/or religion (Christians, Muslims and Yezidis) to join us in this demonstration.

We call upon the European Union to immediately address this critical issue in order to exert pressure upon the authorities concerned to rectify the injustice so that all Iraqi citizens “excluded from the practice of their citizenship” can exercise their voting rights.

For more information and developments visit the following sites:






 Iraqi Elections Support and Follow-up Committee


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Home / News / Assyrian news / Chadoassyrian- syriacs of Europe support the ?excluded? Iraqi voters

Chadoassyrian- syriacs of Europe support the ?excluded? Iraqi voters

While actively supporting the January elections and the Iraqi process of democratization in general, this demonstration outside the European Parliament aims at taking over solidarity and support to thousands of voters from Chaldoassyrians cities and villages of the plains around Mosoul: Baghdeda, Karemlesh, Bartilla, Bashiqa, Bahzan and Ain Sifne (Shekhan), who waited throughout the day of the elections of January 30 in front of the poll offices, without being able to achieve their voting rights because all the material (ballot boxes, ink, bulletins….) were not delivered to these Centers.

All the official and detailed requests and protests, addressed by the political parties and their candidates to the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq and to the regional authorities, as well as the insurances and promises remained dead letter and did not give any result. And when ballot boxes arrived the election officials? were not there or ballot bulletins were not enough to all the voters.

Deprived of their civic rights, these chaldoassyrien-syriaques voters descended the same day in the streets of these cities and villages and last Sunday in Baghdad expressing their anger and protesting against their marginalisation, the transgression and the violation of the electoral law.

This “exclusion” has affected tens of thousands of chaldoassyrian-syriac voters but also thousands of Yezidis, Shabaks, and Turkmqn voters.? Other violations took place in the Sanjar and Telkaif districts, always in the area of the northern Iraq under Kurdish control.


Since then, the different parties in charge of the organisation and the follow-up of these elections, whether it?s the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq , the two main Kurdish parties, the Temporary Iraqi Government or the Coalition Forces, they are mutually rejecting on each other the responsibility in this issue.


The declaration (n? 15) of the Independent Electoral Commission of Iraq this Monday February 7, made by a delegation sent on the spot confirms the transgressions and the violations of the electoral law and concludes: “the Commission will examine all transgressions hereby mentioned, will separately take measurements necessary for each irregularity and will inform the Iraqi opinion of the results of these investigations as quickly as possible”.? To return to the Greek calends – as much to say never!


This prevention to exert the voting rights in this area of the plain of Nineveh, populated mainly by of Chaldoassyrian-syriacs aims at the exclusion of any possible, free and independent representation of this area in the coming Iraqi National Assembly and Northern Parliament.

This area of the plain of Nineveh represents for the majority of the Chaldoassyrian political parties, within the framework of federal Iraq, their autonomous administrative area according to the article 53d of the transitory administrative law (TAL).


This exclusion deeply shocked the Chaldoassyrienne-syriacs communities all over the world and tarnished the promising period of after Iraqi elections.


We invite all the Iraqis in Europe in all their ethnic (Arab, Kurdish, chaldoassyrian-Syriac, Turkman) and religious (Christian, moslem, yezidi) diversity to join us in this demonstration.


We call upon the European Union to adopt this issue in order to rectify this injustice so that all the Iraqi citizens “excluded from the practice of their citizenship” can exert their voting rights.


For more information and developments visit the following sites:








Iraqi Elections Support and Follow-up Committee


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