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The Church in Iraq is in Great Danger: Bishop of North Iraq

      Erbil – AsiaNews — There are numerous children and Dominican nuns among the wounded from yesterday’s suicide bombing of the Christian village of Tell-el-skop, north east of Mosul. Suicide attacks targeting the North of the country have sounded the alarm for religious leaders, who now ask the Holy …

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Syria’s Assad Threatens UN he Will Set the Region on Fire

        Beirut – Damascus – Naharnet — Syrian President Bashar Assad has threatened to set the region on fire, from the Caspian to the Mediterranean, over differences with the United Nations regarding Lebanon’s stability. The independent daily newspaper an-Nahar quoted well informed diplomatic circles as saying Assad made the …

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Report Highlights Suffering of Iraqi Assyrian Refugees in Jordan

  By Albert Michael Baghdad – AINA — Award winning filmmaker and investigative freelance journalist Nuri Kino (CV) traveled to Amman, the capital of Jordan, to meet with Christian Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) families from Iraq. His mission was to penetrate deeper than the daily articles and …

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Iraq’s Christians ‘Are Being Persecuted’

  By: Nick Mackenzie Baghdad- religiousintelligence — Patriarch Emmanuel III (pictured), who leads the Chaldean Church, has accused the governing coalition in Baghdad of ignoring the plight of the country’s minority Christian population, many of whom have fled the country amid ongoing strife there. The Partiarch said that Christians were …

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Egyptian Christians Decry Controversial Law

  By Joseph Mayton CAIRO- Middle East Times — A decision by an Egyptian administrative court earlier last month has sent the Christian community into an uproar over what they have termed the continuation of religious intolerance by the government. The controversial new law states that Christians who convert to …

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New Political Crisis Looms In Lebanon

  By Sam F. Ghattas Libanon – AP — The head of Lebanon’s influential Maronite Catholic Church stepped in on Friday to try to head off what could be the next crisis to strike this conflict-torn country — the increasing likelihood that divided lawmakers will be unable to elect a …

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U.S. Officials Say Germany Threat May Involve Kurds

  By David Morgan and Kristin Roberts * WASHINGTON – Reuters — A threat warning issued by the United States in Germany last month could involve attack plans by an al Qaeda-affiliated group of Kurdish militants, officials said on Friday. U.S. and German authorities said, however, that there was no …

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Bilim insanlarý iþbaþýnda

Yýldýrým Türker 07/05/2007 (6824 kiþi okudu) Ekranýmýza bolca profesör, bilim insaný dadandý. En muteber bulunan kimilerinin düþünce biçimleriyle tanýþtýkça hem Türkiye hem de bilim adýna kaygý duymamak mümkün deðil. Her fikirden insanýn aklýný baþýna toplayýp tarihçilere havale ettiði Ermeni katliamý konusuna kendini adamýþlýðýna daha önceki çalýþmalarýndan tanýk olduðumuz Türk Tarih …

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Jordan Should Legally Recognize Displaced Iraqis As Refugees

        Amman – AINA — Since the liberation of Iraq by the US, particularly after the bombing of the Shiite Golden mosque which ignited Shiite-Sunni violence, a steady flow of refugees has entered Jordan and Syria. It is estimated that there are 750,000 Iraqis in Jordan. A substantial percentage …

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Rice: Syria Should Allow Creation of International Tribunal

      US – Naharnet — U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday Syria “should allow” the creation of an international tribunal to try suspects in the 2005 murder of ex Lebanese Premier Rafik Hariri and related crimes. Syria should also close its Iraq border to foreign fighters and crack …

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