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Syria, Hezbollah Condemn UN Vote to Establish Hariri Tribunal

  By Challiss McDonough Cairo(Egypt) – VOA — Syria’s state-run press has roundly criticized the U.N. Security Council’s vote to set up an international tribunal for suspects in the killing of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Damascus has long said it will refuse to turn over any Syrian suspects …

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Syria Interfering in Assyrian Church Affairs

        Germany – AINA — The Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church, based in Syria, has suspended Archbishop Julius Hanna Aydin of Germany, according to the EasternStar News Agency. According to Archbishop Aydin, his suspension is because a powerful block of pro-Syria bishops in the Church opposes him because …

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Egypt Rejects UN Accusations of Discrimination Against Copts

        Cairo- DPA — Egypt on Wednesday protested an International Labour Organization (ILO) report accusing the Muslim-dominated state of discriminating against the Coptic Christian labour force, newspaper reports said. The ILO is a tripartite United Nations agency which promotes social justice, labour rights and equal opportunities at the work …

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Russia Supports the Political Demands of Iraq’s Christiansý

        Moscow- AINA — On March 22 the Russian Assyrian Committee and Moscow Assyrian Ethno-Cultural Autonomy Organization received an official answer from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs concerning the establishment of an Assyrian autonomous region in North Iraq. The letter was signed by A. Kinshuk, Deputy Director of …

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Mahdi Army Orders Christian Women in Baghdad to Veil Themselvesý

        Baghdad- AINA — An undated letter issued by Muqtada al-Sadr’s Mahdi army to Christians in Baghdad orders Christian women to veil themselves or face grave consequences. The letter, obtained and translated by AINA, states that the Virgin Mary was not unveiled and so Christian women should not be …

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Lebanon a Launch Pad for Al-Qaeda’s New Phase

  By Martin Chulov Beirut- theaustralian.news — As the encircled Islamists in north Lebanon heralded their last stand this weekend, regional governments were coming to terms with a much broader battle – al-Qa’ida’s opening salvos in the western Middle East. From the Horn of Africa to the eastern shores of …

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Turkish Operation in Northern Iraq: Division Through Invasion?

  By Ihsan Dagi Ankara – EasternStar News Agency — A journalist close to military sources outlined Turkey’s strategic priorities as follow: to prevent the establishment of a Kurdish state in northern Iraq, keep Kirkuk out of a Kurdish federal administration and fight against the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). If …

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Iraq’s Assyrians Need Their Own Regioný

        Baghdad- EasternStar News Agency — If a majority of the population in a country, where people with red hair are a minority, votes for a law that forces all people with red h! air to l et themselves be enslaved or be beheaded, is that democracy? This is …

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Assyrian Craftsman Prefers Life in the Saddle

  By Þeyhmus Edis Mardin, Turkey- AINA — Hamsih Uðurgel is the first Assyrian saddle maker in Mardin and has been plying his craft — taught to him by his father — since the age of 7. Despite a brief hiatus when he gave up his trade to try life …

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