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Assyrian Youth in Switzerland Light Candles for Assyrians in Iraq

      Lurzen(Switzerland) – AINA —  More than 30 Assyrian youth gathered for a candlelight vigil in support of the Assyrians of Iraq. The vigil was part of a youth education camp organized by the Assyrian Youth Federation of Germany. Ms. Attiya Gamri, a member of the Dutch Parliament, lead a …

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Assyrians Need a Safe Have in Iraq

By Shamiram Demir Lurzen(Switzerland) – AINA — Freelance journalist Nuri Kino has recently written the report “By God: Six Days in Amman.” During six days in April, he met several Iraqi refugees in the capital of Jordan, and was able to hear why they had fled. He has almost daily …

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Two Assyrian Churches Looted in Baghdad

        Baghdad – AINA — The situation for Iraq’s Christian Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) is approaching a crisis level. On June 3rd an Assyrian priest and three deacons were gunned down in Mosul and their car booby trapped so that their bodies could not be recovered …

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Hundreds Attend Funeral of Slain Assyrian Priest in North Iraq

        Mosul(North-Iraq)- AINA — Hundreds of mourners attended the funeral of Fr. Ragheed Ganni and three deacons, Deacon Basman Joseph, Deacon Bassam and Deacon Ghassan, one day after they were gunned down in their car as they left the Holy Spirit Church after finishing evening mass (AINA 6-3-2007). The …

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Iraqi Terrorists Are Being Tipped Off on Iraqi, US Troop Movements

        Dora(Bagdad)- AINA — According to an Iraqi government employee, who asked to remain anonymous, Muslim terrorist groups are being tipped off about Iraqi and US troop movements. In one incident in the besieged Assyrian neighborhood of Dora, where al-Qaeda entered in early March (AINA, 6-4-2007) and began imposing …

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Turkish Forces Shell Northern Iraq

  By Sherko Raouf ARBIL(North-Iraq) – Reuters — — Iraq said Turkish forces shelled a mountain stronghold of Turkish Kurd rebels in the north of the country on Sunday, a day after it urged Turkey to use diplomacy to resolve rising tensions in the region. While residents say Turkey shells …

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In Syria, Antiochian Orthodoxy is Rebuilding Its Infrastructure

  By Barbara Karkabi * Syrie – AINA — The 20th century was not kind to the Orthodox archdiocese in southern Syria. Ravaged by war, drought and poverty, its ancient churches were left to crumble, while the Christian population dwindled. But in 1999 a new archbishop was appointed as metropolitan …

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Assyrian Priest, 3 Deacons Gunned Down in North Iraq

        Mosul- AINA — The Arabic language Assyrian (also known as Chaldnen and Syriac) website ankawa.com is reporting that 1 priest and 3 deacons were gunned down in Mosul as they left the Church after having finished Sunday Mass. Fr. Ragheed Ganni, Deacon Basman Joseph, Deacon Bassam and Deacon …

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Australian MP Asks for Assyrian Safe Haven in North Iraq

        Australia – AINA — The Reverend Fred Nile, member of the Legislative Council of the New South Wales Parliament, Australia, has raised concern for the Assyrian community in Iraq and has urged the Federal Government to give support to the establishment of a geographically viable demarcated region in …

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