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Lebanese Lawmaker Killed in Beirut Blast

        BEIRUT(Lebanon) – CCN — A member of the Lebanese parliament was killed in an explosion Wednesday outside a Beirut military sports club in what hospital sources called an assassination. Lawmaker Walid Eido, known as a foe of Syrian involvement in Lebanon, his son, Khalid, and two of his …

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Swedish MP Supports Nineveh Plains Administrative Area in Iraq

  By Afram Barryakoub Stockholm – AINA — Speaking during a conference on the future of Iraq and the Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs), MP Fredrik Malm from the Liberal Party expressed his full support for the establishment of an administrative area in the Nineveh plain in northern …

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Nineveh Plains Administrative Area Embraces Iraqi Pluralism

  By Joseph Danavi Nineveh – AINA — Abreast of recent religious-political scrutiny, Kirkuk Monsignor Archbishop Louis Sako and other religious pundits have heavily criticized any exclusivity of a province or region for the “Christians” or “Indigenous Assyrian” people of Iraq. It is indisputable to not only agree with their …

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Congresswoman Eshoo Urges Bush, Congressional Members to Protect Iraq’s Christian Population

  Washington – AINA — In two letters, one to congressional members and the other to President Bush, Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (14th district, California) urges her colleagues and the President to protect Iraq’s Christian Assyrian population. ——————————————————————————– Dear Colleague: I’m writing to ask you to join me in sending the …

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Report Outlines Ethnic Cleansing Campaign Against Iraq’s Assyrians

        Baghdad – AINA — The Assyrian International News Agency has produced a deeply troubling Genocide report regarding the Assyrian (also known as Chaldean and Syriac) Christians of Iraq. The information compiled in Incipient Genocide: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Assyrians of Iraq (report, executive summary) portrays a systematic …

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Tensions Grow in Northern Iraq Over Turkish Military Buildup

  By Barry Newhouse Arbel(North Iraq) – VOA — Iraqi Kurds living near the Turkish border continue to report regular shelling in remote areas in recent days. Turkish generals have threatened strikes inside Iraq to eliminate support networks for Kurdish separatist fighters who operate in Turkey. But U.S. and Iraqi …

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Bush: ‘Syria Should Stop Disrupting Lebanon’

   Rome – Reuters — Rome — President George W. Bush said on Saturday Syria should stop disrupting the Lebanese government of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora. “It’s very important that foreign influences like that of Syria not be continually disrupting the Siniora government,” Bush said during a news conference with …

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Bush Says he Reassured Pope on Iraq’s Beleaguered Christians

        Vatican – AFP — President George W. Bush sought to reassure Pope Benedict XVI on the plight of war-torn Iraq’s minority Christians, the US leader said Saturday. The pope “did express deep concern about the Christians inside Iraq,” Bush told a joint news conference with Italian Prime Minister …

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