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Assyrians Demonstrate in Sweden Against Ethnic Cleansing in Iraq

        Gothenburg (Zweden)- AINA — Assyrians took to the streets in Sweden’s second largest city, Gothenburg, on Saturday June 16 to demonstrate against the ethnic cleansing their people are suffering in today’s Iraq. In the past weeks several Assyrian communities in the Western have demonstrated to highlight the persecution …

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Chaldean Priest Abducted in Baghdad is Free and in Good Health

         Baghdad- AsiaNews — Fr Hani Abdel Ahad, the Chaldean priest kidnapped last June 6 in Baghdad, is free and in good health. According to Mgr Jacques Issac, rector of Babel College, who visited him yesterday at the Chaldean Bishop’s Residence in the Iraqi capital, the clergyman “is very …

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Arab League Chief Blocks Evidence Incriminating Syria

        Libanon – Al-Mustaqbal — The Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal has reported that Arab League Secretary-General Amru Moussa sought to prevent the Lebanese representative at the June 15 Arab foreign ministers’ meeting in Cairo from showing documents and evidence proving Syria’s involvement in the events at Nahr Al-Bared refugee camp, …

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Iraqi Christians Protest for More Protection, Visas

        SAN DIEGO – AINA — Several hundred Iraqi Chaldean immigrants and their families converged on the federal building in downtown San Diego yesterday to demand that the United States provide greater protection and more refugee visas for persecuted Iraqi Christians. While all Iraqis have been affected by sectarian …

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Assyrian Delegation Meets EP Members on Iraq, Turkish Genocide

        Brussels – ESNA — The Assyrian Genocide Conference, hosted on the 26th of March this year in the EU Parliament, received positive responses from both inside and outside the European Parliament. Yesterday a delegation from the Seyfo Centre, which studies the genocide of Assyrians by Turks in World …

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Iraqi Christians’ Most Urgent Needs According to a Chaldean Priest

  By Bashar M. Warda Ankawa – AsiaNews — Growing violence, the climate of persecution felt across the whole of Iraq but especially among Christians, as well as the forced exodus of thousands of families have seriously compromised the Church’s pastoral mission which in some places has disappeared altogether as …

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Iraqi Vicar Denounces Persecution of Christians

   Baghdad – AKI — The Iraqi government and the multinational forces are responsible for what is happening to the Christian families in Iraq, the vicar of the Chaldean Catholic church patriarch Shlimon Warduni denounced on Thursday. “There are various armed groups which are putting pressure on Christian families trying …

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Iraqi Christians Are Denied Refuge in Europe

        BRUSSELS( Belgium)– AP — Thousands of Iraqi Christians are being denied refuge in Europe while European Union nations argue over who is responsible to help them. With the notable exception of Sweden, Western governments — wary of letting in a seemingly never-ending stream of refugees from various countries …

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Bush Links Syria to Lebanese MP’s Assassination

        USA – AFP — US President George W Bush has indirectly accused Syria of involvement in the Beirut blast that killed a Lebanese anti-Syrian MP and nine others. Sixty-five-year-old Lebanese MP Walid Eido, his eldest son Khaled, and eight others were killed in a bomb blast near his …

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