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Pertofts krav till Bildt – erkänn folkmordet Seyfo

  Reporter:Ivana Vukadinovic SÖDERTÄLJE – LT — Erkänn folkmordet på armenier och assyrier/syrianer, kräver miljöpartiets Mats Pertoft. Han har nu skrivit en fråga till utrikesminister Carl Bildt. – Tyvärr tror jag inte att han vågar svara på den, säger Mats Pertoft. Nyligen slog det amerikanska representanthusets utrikesutskott fast att Turkiet …

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Seyfobeslut sätter press på Ankara

   Södertälje ( Sweden) – LT — Här i Södertälje är frågan om folkmordet – eller Seyfo, Svärdets år – ständigt aktuell. Många ättlingar till dem som drabbades av de systematiska utrensningar av kristna, som utfördes av ungturkarnas regim ledd av Enver Pascha, kämpar för ett turkiskt erkännande av folkmordet. …

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Swedish Social Democratic Party Apologizes to Assyrians

        Sweden – AINA — The Swedish social democratic party finally presented a written apology to the Assyrians of Sweden for having demanded from them to take down a banner calling for the acknowledgment for the genocide on Assyrians during a political rally.Assyrians were subjected to a systematic genocide …

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An Honour for Patriarch Delly and the Persecuted Church in Iraq

  By Paul Dakiki Beirut – AsiaNews — “The Holy Father has granted an honour to His Beatitude, Patriarch Emmanuel Delly, by appointing him cardinal. But the honour is also for the entire Church in Iraq, so tried by these days of persecution, emigration, kidnappings and insecurity,” said Mgr Michel …

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Two Kidnapped Priests Released in North Iraq

        Mosul(Iraq) – AINA — On Saturday, October 13, at 5:00 pm, two Christian priests were kidnapped by unknown armed individuals using civilian cars, in the Hay Al-Thawra neighborhood west of the city of Mosul. The two priests were identified as Father Mazin Esho and Father Piyous Affas. They …

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Syrian Women Fear Honour Killings

  By Lina Sinjab Damascus – BBC — Seventeen-year-old Bushra is too scared to give her real name. She talks in a low, trembling voice, her face full of fear. “They want to shed my blood, they want to kill me,” she says, as she recounts how she escaped being …

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Lebanon PM Asks UN, Arab League to Stop Arms From Syria

        BEIRUT – AFP — Lebanese Prime Minister Fuad Siniora has asked for UN and Arab League help in halting what he said was the flow of illegal arms into the country from Syria, according to a letter seen by AFP. In a plea to UN Secretary General Ban …

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Turkey Recalls Ambassador Over Genocide Resolution

        Washington – CNN — Turkey has recalled its ambassador to the United States in response to a House resolution that would call the World War I massacre of Armenians by Turkish forces genocide, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said Thursday. The House Committee on Foreign Affairs passed the measure …

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Turkey Shells Rebels in Northern Iraq

  By Tracy Dove SIRNAK(Turkey) – AP — Turkey is shelling suspected Kurdish rebel camps across the border in northern Iraq, a newspaper reported Wednesday, but the government appeared unlikely to move toward sending ground troops until next week. A large-scale military incursion would disrupt one of the few relatively …

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