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Kidnappers Demand 300,000 Euros for Assyrian Priest

GMT 11-28-2007 23:49:9Assyrian International News AgencyTo unsubscribe or set email news digest options, visit http://www.aina.org/mailinglist.html One of the monks of a monastery in south-east Turkey was occupied with his daily choirs as he received a phone call from Daniel, another monk. Responding to the call he soon found out it …

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Assyrian Priest Kidnapped in South-eastern Turkey

    Tur-Abdin (Turkey) – DPA/ADO — An Assyrian Christian priest was taken hostage in south-eastern Turkey Wednesday, with the kidnappers demanding 300,000 euros for his release, CNN Turk television reported. Father Daniel Savci, 55, was taken hostage by unidentified people at around 3 p.m. They stopped his car as …

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Kurds and Christians reconcile in Malkyieh, Syria

         Malkyieh(Syrian) – SOK — On Friday 2nd November 2007, the town of Malkyieh in North East Syria, near the Turkish-Iraqi borders, witnessed an enormous gathering where Kurds and Christians reconciled after the killing of a young Kurdish man Jawan Ahmad Ali in April 2007. The killing was …

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Three Essential Issues Facing Assyrians in Armenia

  By Hasmik Hovhannisyan   ARMENIA – hetq — Razmik Khosroev, of Assyrian extraction, is a stage actor with the G. Sundukyan National Academic Theatre and the first representative of the Armenian Theatre to tackle the complex role of Shakespeare’s Richard II. His play entitled “Asoruhi” (Assyrian Woman), a dialogue …

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Assyrian, Armenian Genocide Monument Erected Wales

         Cardiff, Wales – AINA — On Saturday 3rd November 2007, Seyfo Center UK took part in the consecration of a monument in the Temple of Peace in Cardiff, Wales commemorating the victims of the genocide of 1915. This historical step came as a result of the UK …

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Iraqi Church Head Pressing for Peace

  By Ethan Cole   Iraq – Christian Post — The head of Iraq’s largest Christian group said violence is worse in the country for Iraqi Christians than before the U.S.-led offense, but he is praying and making efforts so that “peace will prevail.” Emmanuel III Delly, who was recently …

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Iraqi Cardinal Works to Protect Christians

  By Alissa J. Rubin   BAGHDAD – International Herald Tribune– There is neither a cross nor a sign on the heavy metal gate to indicate that this is the official residence of one of this country’s most prominent Christians, the first prelate in Iraq in modern times to be …

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Ethnic Cleansing of Assyrians Continues

  By Lena Yacoub   IRAQ – modbee — Before the war in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was in power. Iraqi borders had been secured and there was not one terrorist in Iraq. However, people were struggling to stay alive. There were secret massacres and killings. The victims were the Assyrians …

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