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Bush to Sign Bill Containing $10 Million for Assyrians in Iraqþ

         Washington – AINA — The House of Representatives today will pass a final omnibus appropriations bill, including $10 million in assistance to internally displaced religious minorities in the Nineveh Plain region of Iraq. U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) first proposed the $10 million initiative in June as …

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Dutch Parliament Approves € 6 Million for Assyrians in Iraq

         The Hague – AINA — The Dutch parliament yesterday approved legislation that allocated 6 million Euros (8.63 million USD) for Assyrians in North Iraq. The money will be spent for internally displaced refugees who currently live in the Nineveh Plains area in north Iraq. The funding is …

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Swedish Universities to Commemorate Murdered Assyrian Researcher

         Sweden(Orebro)- AINA — The murder of Fuat Deniz, a senior lecturer and researcher at Sweden’s Orebro University has prompted action against violence and what is seen as an attack on the open Swedish society. Eight Swedish university towns have prepared for ceremonies to be held simultaneously on …

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Platser och talare for manifestationerna

         Sweden- Hujada — Platserna och talarna för manifestationerna är nu spikade. Här följer en lista över dem. Vid eventuella ändringar eller tillägg vad gäller talarna, uppdateras det här på hujada.com fortlöpande. Samtliga platser och talare för manifestationerna till minne av universitetslektorn är nu spikade. Alla manifestationer arrangeras …

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Turkey police Arrest Five in Abduction of Assyrian Priest

        Midyat(Turkey) – Hurriyet — Police have arrested five suspects in the abduction of Syriac orthodox priest Edip Daniel Savcý. Abdurrahman Oral, Mehmet Emin Oral, Þefik Oral, Halil Esen and Zeynel Karaman have all been taken into police custody. Police are still seeking two suspects. The suspects belong to …

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monk Daniyel Savci is freely

  Rather of friends Tur-Abdin(Turkey) – ADO — We have the message gotten that the monk Daniyel Savci freely just came At time is in place Batman approx.. Removes 80 km from instead of Midyat its homeland place to thanks to all friends with confessed. Assyri democratic organization Section European …

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Assyrian Priest Kidnapped in South-eastern Turkey Released

        Ankara – DPA — An Assyrian Christian priest kidnapped in south- eastern Turkey on Wednesday was released unharmed on Friday, the Anadolu news agency reported. Father Daniel Savci, 55, was taken hostage Wednesday afternoon by unidentified people who stopped his car as he was travelling to the Mor …

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