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Assyrisk präst mördad i Irak idag

          Sweden – Hujada — VÄRLDEN Den assyriske prästen Youssef Adel mördades i en skottlossning idag i den irakiska huvudstaden Bagdad. Mordet är det senaste av flertalet attacker och mord på kristna och kristna ledare i landet. Omkring 12-tiden lokal tid färdades Youssef Adel, 40 år och präst i …

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Assyrian Priest Shot Dead in Baghdad

          BAGHDAD – AFP — Gunmen shot dead an Assyrian Orthodox priest near his house in central Baghdad’s Karrada neighbourhood on Saturday, security officials told AFP. Youssef Adel, a priest with Saint Peter’s Church, was killed by gunmen travelling in a car around noon (0900 GMT), they said. A …

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Another Priest Killed: the Assyrian Genocide Continues in Iraq

By Rosie Malek-YonanLos Angeles – AINA — The latest victim of the Assyrian Genocide unfolding in Iraq is 40 year-old Father Youssef Adel, the parish priest at Saint Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in central Baghdad. According to reports from AP and Reuters, just a few hours ago at approximately …

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St. Jacob Assyrian Monastery: an Oasis in Turkey

By Büsra Ipekçi     Mardin – todayszaman — Mardin’s Tur Abdin region is home to the Mor Jacob Monastery, with an early history that is the stuff of legend: The building serves the oldest Syriac Christian community in Turkey. The southeastern village of Barýþtepe, formerly known as Salah or Saleh, …

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Letter to the US Embassy because killing Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho

  American Embassy Berlin Political SectionMr. John M. KoenigNeustaedische Kirchstr. 4-510117 Berlin Dear Mr. Koenig,   Berlin – ADO — On February 29, 2008, following a sacred Mass, Mar Paulous Faraj Rahho, our Chaldean Archbishop of Mosul, Iraq was kidnapped and his three companions were murdered by the raid. On …

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Egypt to snub Syria’s Arab summit

Egypt has said President Hosni Mubarak will not attend a summit of Arab leaders in Damascus on Saturday. A junior cabinet minister will lead the Egyptian delegation instead. Saudi Arabia had said it would only send its Arab League representative rather than King Abdullah, and Lebanon is boycotting the summit …

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Assyrian Coalition Condemns Murder of Chaldean Archbishop

       Washington – AINA — Members of the Chaldean Assyrian Syriac Council of America (CASCA) expressed profound sadness and condemned the senseless murder of the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho. Archbishop Rahho had not been heard from since he was kidnapped on February 29 after celebrating Mass …

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Iraqi Christians Have No Militias to Protect Them

  By Kevin McCandless   London – CNSNews — The death of an Iraqi archbishop has given new impetus to campaigners’ attempts to focus attention on the plight of the embattled Christian minority in the Middle Eastern nation. The body of Chaldean Catholic Archbishop Paulos Faraj Rahho was found outside …

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