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Assyrian Genocide Scholar Addresses British House of Commons

      London – AINA — Assyrian genocide scholar Sabri Atman addressed the British House of Commons on the Turkish genocide of Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks in World War One. The genocide claimed 750,000 Assyrians (75%), 1.5 million Assyrians and 400,000 Greeks. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am an Assyrian! I …

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International Aid Not Reaching Assyrians in Iraq

By Afram Barryakoub North-iraq – AINA– The continuing turmoil in Iraq is preventing international from reaching Assyrians in the Nineveh Plains of north Iraq, which lay close to the restive city of Mosul. This conclusion is drawn by the Dutch fact finding mission that recently visited northern Iraq to investigate …

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Een nieuwe fase tot Seyfo erkenning!

       Enschede (Holland) – Sayfo center — Afgelopen jaren zijn er vele activiteiten geweest omtrent Seyfo. Met Seyfo Centre als drijfkracht zijn er tal van lezingen gegeven in verenigingen en kerken aan het eigen volk, maar ook zijn er vele ontmoetingen geweest met en seminars gegeven aan relevante instellingen …

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Christian Iraqis Can’t Leave Jordan

  By Kenneth R. Timmerman Jordan – newsmax — Christian refugees who lost everything when they fled their homeland in Iraq now face a new hurdle on their way to a new life. They are being told by the United States government that their refugee applications has been denied because …

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Assyrian Soccer Team Returns to Sweden’s Premiere League

        Södertälje(Sweden)- Assyriska — the Cinderalla Assyrian football team that returned to Sweden’s premiere league this year, won its first game, beating Qviding 2-1. Assyriska scored in the 3rd and 39th minute. Qviding scored its only goal late in the second half. Assyriska was founded in 1973. It …

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Assyrians Celebrate New Year in Syria

          Syria – iwpr — As Assyrians celebrated their new year in Syria last week, an organisation representing this Christian minority expressed concern about attacks on members of their community in Iraq and called for more rights inside their own country. Assyrians, who are the second largest minority group …

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Swedish Mayor Calls for Solution to Iraq Refugee Crisis

By Anders Göransson    Södertälje – metro — this town alone takes more Iraqi refugees than the U.S. This was reported in Metro a year ago. The story made big headlines all over the world — and on Thursday mayor Anders Lago (Social Democratic Party) will give a speech to …

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Sweden’s Insecure Asylum Testing

By Birgitta Elfström    Sweden – HN — Christians are being driven out of Iraq. That is a fact. Churches are systematically being bombed. Christian women are being raped and forced to convert to Islam. Young Christian men are being beheaded in front of cameras. As part of as scaremongering …

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