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Turkey to Build Houses for Returning Assyrians

      Istanbul- turkishdailynews — The Housing Development Administration of Turkey, or TOKI, has plans to build villa type houses in the southeastern province of Mardin in order to encourage the return of Syriacs [Assyrians], news agencies reported Wednesday. Although the Syriac community welcomed the project, they still harbor doubts. …

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Christians in the Middle East ‘As in a Cage’

By Bernardo Cervellera    Amman – AsiaNews — Christians closed up in Islamic societies “as in a cage”; Christians as a presence to be eliminated from all of the Middle East; Christians made the scapegoat for the faults of the West; free (in Jordan) to hold in public all of …

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6 Killed, 40 Wounded as Efforts Fail to End Tripoli Clashes

      Tripoli(Libanon)- Naharnet — Heavy armed clashes between pro- and anti-government supporters raged in the northern city of Tripoli Monday despite stepped up efforts to end the fighting which killed six people and wounded 40 others. News reports said a mortar shell fell in the heart of Tripoli, hitting …

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Another Surge Needed: Support the Christians in Iraq

By Robin Harris    Ira – National Review Online — In Iraq the “surge” is working, but at the same time the Iraqi Christian community is dying. Hardly anyone seems to know, and those who know don’t seem to care. In former times, the violent persecution of Christians in a …

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Statement on Assyrian-Catholic Meeting

      VATICAN CITY- Zenit — Here is a statement regarding an informal meeting held in the United States between representatives of the Catholic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East, as a follow up to Assyrian Patriarch Mar Dinkha IV’s visit to Benedict XVI one year ago. COMMUNIQUE …

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3 Killed, 4 Wounded in Renewed Violence in Bekaa

      Lebanon- Alnaharnet — Three people were killed and four others wounded in armed clashes that raged well into the early morning hours Tuesday in east Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley between pro- and anti-government supporters. News reports said rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and machine gunfire were used in the fighting that …

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Sabri Atman lectures in Greece about Seyfo-The Genocide

      Holland- Seyfocenter — Sabri Atman, representative of the Seyfo Center, has been invited to Greece to lecture about Seyfo- the genocide on Assyrians during the First World War. Apart from Assyrians and Armenians, also Greeks were murdered during Seyfo. Before Seyfo approximately 3 million Greeks lived in Turkey. …

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Recognize the 1915 genocide for what it is

In connection to the voting in the Swedish Parliament on June 11, 2008, regarding the four motions calling upon Sweden to recognize the 1915 Genocide in Ottoman Turkey. The Foreign Committee has advised rejecting the motions on the basis of “disagreement among researchers” and “the need of further research”.The Armenian …

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Syria Agrees to Nuclear Probe

      Syria – CNN — United Nations nuclear inspectors will visit Syria later this month to investigate allegations that the country was building a nuclear reactor at a site attacked by Israel last September, officials said. The International Atomic Energy Agency’s fact-finding mission will visit Syria from June 22 …

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