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The ADO Media Bureau launches a journalist workshop in Qamishli

      Qamishli, Syrian – ADO — The ADO Media Bureau launched a journalist workshop in the northeastern Syrian city of Qamishli on August 29th to develop the Media Bureau abilities . The workshop which contained topics about written journalism , feature stories ,editing news , writing articles , and …

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Patriarch Calls for Assyrian Administrative Unit in North Iraq

      Brussels – AINA — On September 16 the head of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East, Patriarch Dinkha IV, proclaimed after a prayer service in a Syriac Orthodox church that Assyrians must work to establish an Assyrian administered unit in northern Iraq’s Nineveh Plain. Patriarch …

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Turkey Attempting to Confiscate Assyrian Monastery’s Land

By Abdulmesih BarAbrahem    Tur Abdin, Turkey – AINA — The St. Gabriel Assyrian monastery, of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, was established in 397 AD, hundreds of years before its neighboring villages of Yayvantepe, Eglence and Candarli were founded. During the reign of the Ottoman Empire the monastery …

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AUA – Declaration of the 25th Congress Final 09 14 2008

  The 25th Worldwide Congress Jonkoping, Sweden September 4 – 7, 2008 Declaration      Jonkoping,Sweden – AUA — The 25th Worldwide Congress of the Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) took place in Jonkoping, Sweden from September 4 through September 7, 2008 with the participation of Assyrian representatives from around the world. …

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Iraqi Christians continue to face persecution

Charlie Butts    Mosul, Iraq – onenewsnow — A group representing persecuted Christians believes followers of Christ have good reason not to feel safe in Iraq. Recently, two Iraqi Christians were kidnapped and executed, although one family had paid ransom. Jonathan Racho of International Christian Concern is not surprised. “Following …

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Kurdish Land Grabs Leave Assyrians Dependent on Food Aid

    Northern Iraq – AINA — In the village of Hamzie in northern Iraq, just a half hour drive south of the Iraqi-Turkish border, 23 Assyrian families line up for a package of food aid delivered by the Assyrian Aid Society. Most of them fled from the ethnic cleansing in …

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Iraq’s Christian Assyrians Defend Their Own Village

By Karim Talbi    TEL ASQUF, Iraq – AFP — With Kalashnikovs slung over their shoulders, members of Iraq’s first Christian militia enforce one simple rule on the border of this little village: “Anyone not from Tel Asquf is banned.” This village in northern Iraq’s flash-point Nineveh province, frequently targeted …

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Letter at UN. representative Mr. Staffan de Mistura in Iraq

UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Grand Central Station New York, NY 10017P.O.Box 5859Wiesbaden ( Germany) – ADO — To the Honorable Staffan de Mistura Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, UNAMI, We, the Undersigned, are writing to express our deepest concern and growing alarm at the deteriorating situation …

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Two Christians Kidnapped and Killed in Iraq

      Mosul, Iraq – AsiaNews — The Iraqi Christian community is again in the sights of Islamic fundamentalists in Mosul: today news came of the death of a 65-year-old doctor, Tariq Qattan, kidnapped recently by a terrorist group. AsiaNews sources say that his family had paid a ransom of …

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