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Arabs Gain in North Iraq, Low Voter Turn-out for Assyrians

Nineveh, Iraq – AINA — Yesterday’s provincial elections in Iraq’s Nineveh province and its insurgency-struck capital Mosul gave the chance to Sunni Arabs to reclaim their influence in a province where they are the majority. Preliminary results indicate the Sunnis now have a majority of seats in the new provincial …

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Iraqi Bishops in Rome: Don’t Forget Us

Mideast Prelates Lament Media Silence ROME, JAN. 25, 2009 (Zenit.org).- There is a “deafening silence” in the international community about the plight of Iraqi Christians, attest prelates from the wartorn country. The bishops, in Rome for their five-yearly meeting with the Pope, spoke with Vatican Radio about the situation their …

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Elections mixed for Iraqi Christians

Published: February 02, 2009 MOSUL, Iraq, Feb. 2 (UPI) — The fate of the Christian minority in Iraq is uncertain in the wake of provincial elections and historic periods of calm in the country, observers say. Due in part to a quota system for religious minorities, Christians should win at …

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Euronews : crucial municipal elections for Iraq

Euronews – 30/01/2009 20:52 CET The walls of Ramadi are festooned with posters and slogans, evidence of a hotly contested election campaign. It is a far cry from 2005 when the ballot was boycotted by the majority Sunni community. Fearful of political violence and sceptical about the outcome their leaders …

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Euronews : campagna elettorale in Irak (IT)

Euronews – 30/01/2009 20:52 CET A Ramadi, capoluogo della provincia di Al Anbar, la campagna elettorale è stata intensa. Siamo in Iraq occidentale, i sunniti sono la maggioranza. Nel duemilacinque, dopo l’offensiva dell’esercito americano su Falluja, avevano boicottato le elezioni, come imposto dagli insorti ; per mesi Al Qaeda ha …

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Euronews : Elecciones en irak (ES)

Euronews – 30/01/2009 20:52 CET Ambiente electoral en Ramadi, capital de la provincia de Al Anbar. Aquí los suníes son mayoritarios. En 2005, tras los devastadores asaltos del ejército estadounidense contra Faluya, respondieron al llamamiento de la insurgencia y boicotearon las elecciones. Durante meses, Al Qaeda sembró el terror en …

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Euronews : Expectativa dos sunitas e cristaos iraquianos (PT)

Euronews – 30/01/2009 20:52 CET A campanha eleitoral no Iraque pôs em ebulição Ramadi, capital da província de Al Anbar. Aqui os sunitas estão em maioria. Em 2005, responderam ao apelo da insurgência e boicotaram as eleições depois dos desvatadores assaltos do exército norte-americano a Faluja. Durante meses, a Al …

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Èðàê – Èðàêñêèå ñóííèòû íàäåþòñÿ íà óñïåõ íà ðåãèîíàëüíûõ âûáîðàõ, õðèñòèàíå ñìîòðÿò â áóäóùåå áåç îïòèìèçìà

Euronews – 30/01/2009 20:52 CET Ïðåäâûáîðíàÿ êàìïàíèÿ â èðàêñêîé ïðîâèíöèè Àíáàð. Çäåñü â áîëüøèíñòâå ñóííèòû. Â 2005 ãîäó îíè áîéêîòèðîâàëè ìåñòíûå âûáîðû, ïîñëå òîãî êàê àìåðèêàíñêèå âîéñêà ïîäàâèëè ñóííèòñêîå âîññòàíèå â Ýëü-Ôàëëóäæå. Íà äîëãèå ìåñÿöû ïðîâèíöèÿ ïîãðóçèëàñü â òåððîð, íî ìåñòíûå ëèäåðû ïðè ïîääåðæêå àìåðèêàíöåâ, óñòàíîâèëè â íåé ñâîé êîíòðîëü. …

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Iraq – Push for power brings back Mosul’s dark legacy

Middle East FeaturesBy Elijah Zarwan and Muhaned al-SadiJan 27, 2009, 4:04 GMT Mosul – The river Tigris bisects Mosul, the capital of the northern Iraqi province of Nineveh. On the western bank is the old city, the centre of Nineveh’s majority Sunni population. The suburbs and villages to the east …

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