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Minority Languages in Turkey Dying Out

     Turkey – todayszaman — The UNESCO Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger lists languages whose survival is unsafe, definitely endangered, severely endangered, critically endangered — or already extinct. A total of 18 languages from Turkey made the list: three already extinct, four unsafe, seven definitely endangered, three severely …

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MPs from Germany to visit Mor Gabriel monastery

     ANKARA – Hurriyet — One of the world’s oldest Christian monasteries, located near Turkey’s border with Syria, will be visited next week by a group of German lawmakers seeking to monitor progress in an ongoing land dispute. The visit demonstrates the German interest to make sure religious freedoms and …

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UN Agency Finds New Uranium Traces At Syria Site

By George Jahn VIENNA – AP — U.N. nuclear agency samples taken from a Syrian site suspected of being a secretly built reactor have revealed new traces of processed uranium, the agency reported Thursday. A separate report by the same organization — the International Atomic Energy Agency — noted a …

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Syria Developing Chemical Weapons Site: Jane’s

     LONDON – AFP — Syria has increased activity at a suspected chemical weapons production site, a move likely to increase tension with Israel, Jane’s defence information group said Wednesday. Satellite imagery of the Al Safir site in northwest Syria does not suggest that Damascus is arming for an offensive …

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Turkey Delays Assyrian Monastery Trial For the Third Time

By Abdulmesih BarAbrahem Mor Gabriel, Turkey – AINA — For the third time Turkey has rescheduled the hearing for the different cases regarding the land dispute of St. Gabriel Monastery. The new hearing is set for March 4. International attention increased after the state escalated the issue (AINA 2-6-2009). The …

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Iraq’s Assyrian Christians: More of the Same Old

By Paul Isaac Iraq – IHT — To outside observers, the provincial elections recently held in Iraq were strictly a domestic affair, with internal groups vying for relative influence. For the Assyrian Christians of Iraq, however, the elections signified a desperate appeal to the international community. Amid the ongoing tragedy …

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Iraqi Church Leaders Call for a Role in Rebuilding Peace

Iraq – indcatholicnews — Representatives of churches in Iraq confirmed their commitment to work together with all Iraqi citizens for reconciliation and rebuilding peace in the country. “The solution to current conditions lies not in emptying Iraq of its human resources,” said the participants at a 10-11 February meeting in …

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Iraq: Christians Marginalised and Vulnerable

February 5, 2009 Provincial council elections were held in 14 of Iraq’s 18 provinces on Saturday 31 January. Because Iraqi politics is totally tribal the stakes are high and Christians, as a small minority, are inevitably marginalised. For various reasons the elections were generally peaceful. Also no voting was held …

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